In this Blog I tell about my experiences with the Dr. Bernstein Diet from day one, my successes and my failures, my Eating Disorder and the impact of it on my life. The discovery of Dr. Simeons Protocol and his HCG Diet and everything that followed my Water Fast, Dry Fast, MFS and Bone Broth Fast journeys.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
A day after breaking my Dry Fast
First day after breaking my Dry Fast is passed, yesterday I had lots of Coconut Water, too much maybe since this morning my Ketostix was reporting only some traces of Ketosis – too much sugar. I also registered a 600gr weight gain today; I guess is not fat but some water retention. Let me tell you: Dry Fasting is absolutely amazing; the level of healing and impact with the body is beyond what I was expecting. From the outside it does looks the same like a Water Fast, but once you break the Fast then the magic starts to happen!
I have to say that even with a can of Coconut Water my stomach gets cranky and I have to run to the washroom, so I’m having episode of diarrhea every time I drink the Coconut Water – oddly doesn’t happen if I drink just water with lemon juice. In any case yesterday during one of those BMs I think I released a tiny worm, it looked like a filament, thicker than hair but not that much and long approximately 15cm or so – I didn’t measure it really.
Since I’m drinking water now I took my probiotics last night and this morning as well, with this diarrhea I need to help my friendly bacteria with some probiotics, also I hope they will continue to fight the Candida Albicans Overgrowth, since it should be starving and weak at the moment.
Even though I fasted only for 6 days the refeeding process for a Dry Fast is way longer compared a 6 day fasting with water only, by now I would be able to eat normally – instead I cannot even drink Coconut Water that I need to run to the bathroom. So keep in mind that the longer is your Dry Fast the longer is your refeeding period.
I wanted to do an enema this morning but I really didn’t feel the need to do it, plus I have these liquid BMs so I don’t want to stress too much my colon. I know it sounds gross but this is life, it’s just poop, everybody poop, so I think is normal describing it, plus everything is related to our GI tract here so it’s almost inevitable not to talk about BMs.
Yesterday evening I felt very well with amazing energy and good mood, I believe it was the sugar but I had no hunger whatsoever, not even thirsty really – but even now I’m just drinking because I like the sweet taste of the Coconut Water, I’m not really thirsty.
I’m thinking to continue drinking water & Coconut Water for today but tomorrow I would like to switch to Bone Broth, I don’t like the idea of having so much sugar and I need a proper refeeding plan since I’m going out of town for the long weekend and I might eat solid food during the trip – unless I want my man being grumpy all the times!
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
How I feel after 4 hours of breaking my 5.5 Days Dry Fast?
I broke the fast since 4 hours now and I can tell that my body is retaining a lot of the Coconut Water I’m drinking; I had already almost 2L of liquid and didn’t pee once! I don’t think I’m gaining fat though, but I don’t like the idea of drinking and not using the washroom.
After my first can of Coconut Water I had a BM, very liquid of course but I think it was a normal reaction of my stomach that suddenly got all that liquid. I feel my Kidney a bit sore I must to say, nothing unbearable but just wondering if the Coconut Water was the right choice to break my 5.5 Days Dry Fast.
I was thinking that Dry Fasting is a bit easier than Water Fast, I really don’t like going to the bathroom every 5 minutes, it’s really annoying, plus I’m not sure it’s good to force this filtration with just water whole day every day. I don’t even know what I’m saying anyway, just guessing how my body can take the 2 types of Fasting.
Needless to say I want to continue my Water Fast till I reach my goal, maybe I’ll alternate between Dry and Water, just to give a break to my Kidneys from time to time. This was the longest Dry Fast I ever done; the previous one I think was 48hrs only.
In terms of weight loss results they are not much different from Water Fasting I think, with the exception that I did only one enema while during the Water Fast I tend to do it once every other day. Even without eating absolutely anything, it’s really not that easy losing weight but the most important thing is being into Ketosis; I really hope all this Coconut Water is not compromising my Ketogenic state!
My journey to reach my goal weight is still long, this Dry Fast taught me that I can push my body to limits that I never reached before, without bad detoxing effects; I still don’t have the mental clarity that I get with a Fast around Day #7 so I don’t really believe the rule of 1 Day Dry Fast is equal to 3 Days Water Fast – obviously I don’t know what’s happening inside me; did I starve my Candida Albicans? I hope so!
Break The Fast,
Coconut Water,
Dry Fast,
Longest Dry Fast,
Mental Clarity,
Water Fast,
Weight Loss
My weight loss statistical estimation while on Water Fast
Since I have to deal with social events, and also my hungry man, I was thinking on how long I would need to keep fasting till I reach my goal weight, so based on my previous experiences here’s a statistical prevision of my weight loss:
- Wed. 62.2Kg
- Thu. 62Kg
- Fri. 61.8Kg
- Sat. 61.5Kg
- Sun. 60.9Kg
- Mon. 60.7Kg
- Tue. 60.2Kg
- Wed. 59.9Kg
- Thu. 58.7Kg
- Fri. 58.5Kg
- Sat. 58.2Kg
- Sun. 58.1Kg
- Mon. 57.9Kg
- Tue. 57.9Kg
- Wed. 57.5Kg
- Thu. 57.3Kg
- Fri. 57.2Kg
- Sat. 57Kg
- Sun. 56.9Kg
- Mon. 56.5Kg
- Tue. 56.3Kg
- Wed. 56Kg
Monday, 26 June 2017
Results seen in dry fasting
I found an interesting article about Dry Fasting and its benefits so I wanted to share it, you can read the full article at this link:
"Inflammation cannot exist without water. Microorganisms need water to survive. These facts taken together make dry fasting a highly effective tool to address acute health issues and degenerative conditions. Such a fast stimulates the immune system, activates the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purifies the blood and clears the blood vessels, as well as cleanses the GI tract and renews its mucosal lining.
Dry fasting also eliminates parasites and promotes regeneration of healthy tissues. And this isn’t even a complete list of benefits. Every cell of the body literally cleans house. Only the strongest and healthiest of cells survive in such extreme conditions, while cysts and benign tumors dissolve as a result of autolysis, a process by which the body sacrifices its sickest cells for its own survival."
"Inflammation cannot exist without water. Microorganisms need water to survive. These facts taken together make dry fasting a highly effective tool to address acute health issues and degenerative conditions. Such a fast stimulates the immune system, activates the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purifies the blood and clears the blood vessels, as well as cleanses the GI tract and renews its mucosal lining.
Dry fasting also eliminates parasites and promotes regeneration of healthy tissues. And this isn’t even a complete list of benefits. Every cell of the body literally cleans house. Only the strongest and healthiest of cells survive in such extreme conditions, while cysts and benign tumors dissolve as a result of autolysis, a process by which the body sacrifices its sickest cells for its own survival."
Cells Regeneration,
Dry Fast,
My longest (Soft) DRY FAST experience - day by day
Thursday June 22nd, 2017 - 7:00PM
Starting my (Soft) Dry Fast – I had my last Pudding and then went to bed watching TV to distract my mind.
Friday June 23rd, 2017 – 10:12AM - DAY #1
I feel ok at the moment, I’m not thirsty neither have headache, odd. Since I came in the office (around 8:30AM), I went to the washroom only once (not BM though).
My mouth does not feel dry fortunately. I did have a small BM this morning as soon as I woke up, but I can tell that the Dry Fast is constipating me.
I decided not to see my man tonight and going to my parents for the extended weekend, I don’t want anything to jeopardize my fast.
Friday June 23rd, 2017 – 11:00AM
into my Soft
Dry Fast – I feel my hands skin a bit
dry, I’ll use some hand cream for it. I’m not really thirsty but I feel a bit hungry,
desiring something fresh and cool to eat, like a fresh sweet pudding, but also
with some sort of fats in it. For sure I would not eat anything dry at the
moment; most probably a sign that my body is asking me for liquid and hydration,
and eating something dry will worsen
the situation.
Friday June 23rd, 2017 – 12:40PMMy headache is starting; I’m not thirsty yet but I feel an awful taste in my mouth. I’m going for a walk during my lunch break to get some fresh air.
I feel often mucus coming back into my mouth, I hope is a good thing, that my body is getting rid of some bad toxins.
Friday June 23rd, 2017 – 1:40PM
My headache is definitely coming, not crazy strong but I can definitely feel it right now. I want to bring forward this Dry Fast as much as I can this time.
I’m not hungry at the moment, but I feel a bit sleepy, I guess is part of the detox symptoms. I’m having issues on focusing on the screen today, not sure if it’s because my eyes are tired due to the Fast or it’s just because of the long hours in front of the computer.
I really want to succeed this time with my Fasting, everyone is looking at me and recognizing that I gained so much weight, I don’t feel comfortable with myself and nothing is fitting me anymore.
Friday June 23rd, 2017 – 4:20PM
I have headache, I feel the pain in the top front part of my forehead. I don’t feel any hunger so far but this headache is annoying.
I don’t feel to use the washroom at all; I think I went to pee only 3 times in the whole day today, since I came into the office. I guess it’s normal since I’m not drinking water. This is the “good” part of dry fasting vs water fasting – less trips to the bathroom!
My body feels a bit slower now, but I have good
concentration, I’m able to work very well without issues. I want to go to
bed early tonight though, a feel a bit tired
on my body.
Saturday June 24th, 2017 – 9:00AM - DAY #2
in my Soft Dry Fast, the headache is gone and I don’t
have any food temptation, I’m not thirsty neither hungry. Maybe just a slightly pain on my temples, but not
thirsty and my mouth is not dry.
Saturday June
24th, 2017 – 2:30PMI helped my parents to set up everything for their lunch and put all the take-out Chinese food bought on the dining table; now my stomach is growling a bit. I think the growling started once I smelled the food, so strong and delicious (although most likely full of MSG).
My headache is like 95% gone, I don’t feel very energetic at the moment; I still think about the desire of eating chocolate candy bars, like my favourite OH-Henry! Reese or the yellow m&m’s. I was looking at the candy bars in the various stores we went today and I was thinking on how much I would like to live eating only those things, and when and if I will eat it again.
I’m not sure if my kidneys are properly filtering though, my pee is strangely very clear, even though I’m not drinking any water or any sort of liquid.
Sunday June 25th, 2017 – 9:15AM - DAY #3
into my Soft Dry Fast – I don’t have headache today
but I had to do my hair dye and now I
can feel the toxins coming into my
body. I feel my heart rate increased,
my hands are like shaken and I can almost feel the toxins into my throat. I don’t feel hungry or thirsty
Sunday June 25th, 2017 – 6:30PMI had a warm bubble bath this afternoon; I was in the water around 15 minutes I think. After the bath and the shower I went to pee at least 2/3 times, that’s a proof that my body was absorbing some of the water through my skin. I checked my Ketosis and is moderate with 40mg/dL.
While I was drying my hair I felt my arm tired and weak, the hairdryer felt
very heavy. I fell asleep very early, maybe around 8:30PM but I woke up in the middle of the night, around 3:30AM/4:00AM for like 30/40 minutes, then fell asleep again.
Monday June 26th, 2017 – 9:20AM - DAY #486hrs into my Soft Dry Fast – I had moderate to high Ketosis this morning at ~60mg/dL, my weight is 64.4Kg (still so high I want to cry!). I can see the fat on my body going away differently when I’m in ketosis; my belly is way lower now. I feel sort of the ketosis-burning-fat cold sensation but if I touch my skin is kind of warmer than usual.
My arms felt very weak this morning and I didn’t feel walking to come to work really. But after walking for about 5 minutes I felt way better and I walked to work without any issue. I think I need to move the lymph’s thing in my body to put in circle the ketones. I am not sure though.
This morning I felt I was supposed to have a BM, but it didn’t happen – when I will re-hydrate the first thing I’ll do will be an enema for sure; I still have some left over food in my colon, but dry fasting does not help at all.
My pee looks darker now, I believe now my kidneys are filtering better than before. My mouth is not dry but I feel it like I didn’t wash my teeth since days, which is not the case since I’m keeping a normal oral hygiene daily. This morning I noticed that as soon as I put on my concealer on my face I had the same sensations I had with my hair dye, feeling a bit shaky and my heartrate increased. It didn’t last more than 5 minutes though. I don’t feel hungry but I’m starting to feel thirsty, not sure if it’s the real thirst but my mouth is different now, so I will assume is due to the thirst; I may do some water pulling just to clean up my mouth, without actually ingesting the water.
I have my left eyelid twitching this morning, I have definitely a
vitamins/minerals depletion right
now…not to mention everything else;
but I want to continue this Dry Fast
as much as I can, I still have lots of fat on me that can be used to keep going
so I’m aiming for a 7 days Soft Dry Fast – plus since it’s
a “Soft”
Dry Fast my body is getting somehow some water anyway, the Hard one would be more dangerous if longer I guess.
Monday June 26th, 2017 – 10:20AMMy stomach is growling at the moment, I don’t feel thirsty I think, but I would eat something, or maybe not. Sometimes I’m confused about the signals my body is sending me; since I’m into Ketosis I should not feel any craving or hunger, which I don’t think I feel anyway – but I would definitely love to drink some water. It’s really true that Fasting – apart of all the health benefits – let you appreciate small things of life: like a glass of fresh water. But I’m just on Day #3 basically and I cannot give up yet, overall I feel ok, people think they might die without eating or drinking but I’m the proof that it’s not true, I feel normal, sure I feel a bit thirsty in my mouth but I’m not dying for water or not able to function properly.
Yesterday evening I was watching a video of a guy that did a 7 days Hard Dry Fast (awesome results) and he was mentioning
that if you can do a 3/4/5 days Dry Fast then you don’t have any addiction, you can
say no to any type of drink or food
for good. It’s true sometimes is just
in my head my sugar addiction.
Monday June 26th, 2017 – 2:00PM
I'm still feeling my mouth like I have a crocodile in it. I can tell I'm not eating much by the fact that I cannot open it too much without hurting my sides. I have a slightly white-coated tongue, not its usual detoxing-white colour but I believe I should see it changing in the next couple of days if I continue my Dry Fast. Usually I see a white-coated tongue around Day #7 on a Water Fast.
I feel the urge to pee more often now, although I don't actually need to go but I'm now wondering if it could be a sort of UTI or my Candida, since I think I have some vaginal discharge. Hopefully is just my body getting rid of parasites or toxins in its own way. So far I'm not hungry at all, but maybe I'm a bit thirsty or better: my mouth feels dry hence the desire to drink something to relief this ugly mouth sensation.
I have an episode of anxiety or heavy breathing symptoms now, it lasted just few seconds but it's odd since I usually don't have anxiety while I'm fasting.
Monday June 26th, 2017 – 4:40PM
I'm 93hrs into my Soft Dry Fast, almost 4 days with no food and no water (if not the one absorbed by my skin). I'm having lots of vaginal discharges today with a light sense of UTI, not sure if I'm diagnosing it properly though. I hope is some sort of bacteria die off and not the opposite!
I'm not hungry, not thirsty, only a bad feeling in my mouth, but still lots of saliva. I don't feel weak at the moment and I had the urge to urinate 3/4 times today - although it was very little. I feel I need to have a BM but I'm too dry to have it by myself, now I'm seriously thinking to do an enema once home after work. The reason is because, as always, I'm never comfortable knowing that some old stool is sitting in my colon for prolonged period of time, especially now that I want to keep this Dry Fast going as much as I can.
I read some blogs/websites were people talking about Dry Fasting for few hours like it was the end of the world! Maybe if you're really toxic, eating terrible food for years, then I can see some detoxing side effects in the first couple of days, but really it is nothing, apart from headaches I didn't feel anything and till last weekend I was stuffing myself with candy bars and McDonalds English Muffins.
Tuesday June 27th, 2017 – 7:00AM - DAY #5
I'm into my Day #5 of this Dry Fast, this morning I felt I had to do a BM, but I couldn't do without an enema, so I got my new kit and manage to do it. After the first movement I felt a pain in my tummy and then I had another rather painful BM, but I definitely felt better after.
I did a sort of experiment this morning, I checked my weight before and after the shower - but it was exactly the same so I guess it did not absorbed any relevant amount of water.
Once I left the apartment I thought I couldn't walk to work this time either, but strangely my energy level was great, my Ketosis is very high today, I can see my belly going really down. You want to be in a good Ketogenic state to lose fat trust me!
My weight this morning is 63.4Kg, I lost 1Kg since yesterday. My mouth feels gross but I don't feel hungry nor thirsty.
Tuesday June 27th, 2017 – 1:30PM
I went for a walk during my lunch break, my energy levels are very high and I'm happy for that, I'm sure is thank to my Ketosis.
I feel a strange feeling when I urinate, not sure if it's an UTI or something else, I do have still some vaginal discharges though, so it might be the Candida. Hopefully is starving and not feeding with my ketones!
I don't feel thirsty nor hungry, actually I definitely don't feel hungry but my mouth is as usual terrible and I would love to drink something fresh to change this bad taste in my mouth. My tongue is white-ish coated at the moment, not as my usual detoxing episodes on Water Fast Day #7 or so, but still white.
I bought a can of pure Coconut Water during my lunch break, I'm thinking on breaking my Dry Fast with some fresh Coconut Water, they say hydrates better than Spring water, but I may also decide to do the bubble drink with Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, to help my kidneys with the acidity built in these days of Dry Fast. I'll decide later, depending on how I feel really.
Wednesday June 28th, 2017 – 9:15AM - DAY #6
I'm into the Dry Fast Day #6 with 135hrs of no food no water. So far so good, I registered a good loss this morning, I'm now 62.2Kg, lost something like 2lb in one day, but I did have a good BM yesterday so got rid of some waste from my colon.
My energy levels are great, walking doesn't feel so hard like with a Water Fast, I didn't check my Ketosis this morning but I'm sure I'm still burning fat, my belly is going down - I still have a long journey of weight loss in front of me but I need to have patience.
I don't feel the "need" to break my Dry Fast but I really would like to drink some water, or something fresh - I would like to have the mix of baking soda - apple cider vinegar though, it would definitely benefit my kidney - but I don't have any in my office, so I'm not sure if I'll buy the ingredients or I'll just drink water slowly - or continue my Dry Fast till I'm home.
Yesterday I was watching videos of people breaking their Fast - ok everyone is different I get it, but seriously crying for a sip of water? After just 4/5 days?
I've been through different fasts and trust me is not a big deal, after 24 days food tasted the same, water tasted the same and I'm pretty sure when I'll break my Dry Fast after these 6 days I won't cry of joy or feeling different with water. I say like the Snake Diet guy: don't be a bunch of pussies!
Wednesday June 28th, 2017 – 10:30AM
Ok, so I broke my Dry Fast after 5.5 days of no food no water as 136 hours of fasting. I went downstairs and bought a couple of cans of Pure Organic Coconut Water, no I did not cry drinking it, but it was deliciously sweet. I had a full can so far and going now for the second one, I had a sip of Spring Water as well but the Coconut Water is definitely more appealing.
With the first sip I felt the cool liquid going down my throat, but that's it, for the rest is like I never fasted, normal drinking.
I did have some sort of stomach uncomfortable feeling here and there while drinking, but really like 1 second each so no big deal, I feel perfectly fine, thirsty of more Coconut Water for sure!
I hope my (Soft) Dry Fast experience can be helpful to whom would like to begin this amazing journey, nothing to fear - listen to your body, heal yourself.
Monday June 26th, 2017 – 2:00PM
I'm still feeling my mouth like I have a crocodile in it. I can tell I'm not eating much by the fact that I cannot open it too much without hurting my sides. I have a slightly white-coated tongue, not its usual detoxing-white colour but I believe I should see it changing in the next couple of days if I continue my Dry Fast. Usually I see a white-coated tongue around Day #7 on a Water Fast.
I feel the urge to pee more often now, although I don't actually need to go but I'm now wondering if it could be a sort of UTI or my Candida, since I think I have some vaginal discharge. Hopefully is just my body getting rid of parasites or toxins in its own way. So far I'm not hungry at all, but maybe I'm a bit thirsty or better: my mouth feels dry hence the desire to drink something to relief this ugly mouth sensation.
I have an episode of anxiety or heavy breathing symptoms now, it lasted just few seconds but it's odd since I usually don't have anxiety while I'm fasting.
Monday June 26th, 2017 – 4:40PM
I'm 93hrs into my Soft Dry Fast, almost 4 days with no food and no water (if not the one absorbed by my skin). I'm having lots of vaginal discharges today with a light sense of UTI, not sure if I'm diagnosing it properly though. I hope is some sort of bacteria die off and not the opposite!
I'm not hungry, not thirsty, only a bad feeling in my mouth, but still lots of saliva. I don't feel weak at the moment and I had the urge to urinate 3/4 times today - although it was very little. I feel I need to have a BM but I'm too dry to have it by myself, now I'm seriously thinking to do an enema once home after work. The reason is because, as always, I'm never comfortable knowing that some old stool is sitting in my colon for prolonged period of time, especially now that I want to keep this Dry Fast going as much as I can.
I read some blogs/websites were people talking about Dry Fasting for few hours like it was the end of the world! Maybe if you're really toxic, eating terrible food for years, then I can see some detoxing side effects in the first couple of days, but really it is nothing, apart from headaches I didn't feel anything and till last weekend I was stuffing myself with candy bars and McDonalds English Muffins.
Tuesday June 27th, 2017 – 7:00AM - DAY #5
I'm into my Day #5 of this Dry Fast, this morning I felt I had to do a BM, but I couldn't do without an enema, so I got my new kit and manage to do it. After the first movement I felt a pain in my tummy and then I had another rather painful BM, but I definitely felt better after.
I did a sort of experiment this morning, I checked my weight before and after the shower - but it was exactly the same so I guess it did not absorbed any relevant amount of water.
Once I left the apartment I thought I couldn't walk to work this time either, but strangely my energy level was great, my Ketosis is very high today, I can see my belly going really down. You want to be in a good Ketogenic state to lose fat trust me!
My weight this morning is 63.4Kg, I lost 1Kg since yesterday. My mouth feels gross but I don't feel hungry nor thirsty.
Tuesday June 27th, 2017 – 1:30PM
I went for a walk during my lunch break, my energy levels are very high and I'm happy for that, I'm sure is thank to my Ketosis.
I feel a strange feeling when I urinate, not sure if it's an UTI or something else, I do have still some vaginal discharges though, so it might be the Candida. Hopefully is starving and not feeding with my ketones!
I don't feel thirsty nor hungry, actually I definitely don't feel hungry but my mouth is as usual terrible and I would love to drink something fresh to change this bad taste in my mouth. My tongue is white-ish coated at the moment, not as my usual detoxing episodes on Water Fast Day #7 or so, but still white.
I bought a can of pure Coconut Water during my lunch break, I'm thinking on breaking my Dry Fast with some fresh Coconut Water, they say hydrates better than Spring water, but I may also decide to do the bubble drink with Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, to help my kidneys with the acidity built in these days of Dry Fast. I'll decide later, depending on how I feel really.
Wednesday June 28th, 2017 – 9:15AM - DAY #6
I'm into the Dry Fast Day #6 with 135hrs of no food no water. So far so good, I registered a good loss this morning, I'm now 62.2Kg, lost something like 2lb in one day, but I did have a good BM yesterday so got rid of some waste from my colon.
My energy levels are great, walking doesn't feel so hard like with a Water Fast, I didn't check my Ketosis this morning but I'm sure I'm still burning fat, my belly is going down - I still have a long journey of weight loss in front of me but I need to have patience.
I don't feel the "need" to break my Dry Fast but I really would like to drink some water, or something fresh - I would like to have the mix of baking soda - apple cider vinegar though, it would definitely benefit my kidney - but I don't have any in my office, so I'm not sure if I'll buy the ingredients or I'll just drink water slowly - or continue my Dry Fast till I'm home.
Yesterday I was watching videos of people breaking their Fast - ok everyone is different I get it, but seriously crying for a sip of water? After just 4/5 days?
I've been through different fasts and trust me is not a big deal, after 24 days food tasted the same, water tasted the same and I'm pretty sure when I'll break my Dry Fast after these 6 days I won't cry of joy or feeling different with water. I say like the Snake Diet guy: don't be a bunch of pussies!
Wednesday June 28th, 2017 – 10:30AM
Ok, so I broke my Dry Fast after 5.5 days of no food no water as 136 hours of fasting. I went downstairs and bought a couple of cans of Pure Organic Coconut Water, no I did not cry drinking it, but it was deliciously sweet. I had a full can so far and going now for the second one, I had a sip of Spring Water as well but the Coconut Water is definitely more appealing.
With the first sip I felt the cool liquid going down my throat, but that's it, for the rest is like I never fasted, normal drinking.
I did have some sort of stomach uncomfortable feeling here and there while drinking, but really like 1 second each so no big deal, I feel perfectly fine, thirsty of more Coconut Water for sure!
I hope my (Soft) Dry Fast experience can be helpful to whom would like to begin this amazing journey, nothing to fear - listen to your body, heal yourself.
Apple Cider Vinegar,
Baking Soda,
Breaking A Fast,
Dry Fast,
Food Addiction,
Snake Diet,
Water Fast
Monday, 19 June 2017
Throwing away 5 days of Juice Fast for a chocolate weekend
My 5 days having only food in liquid form went by and they’re gone,
now I’m again here eating chocolate candy
bars like no tomorrow, regretting
and enjoying it at the same time. My stomach is definitely not happy of
my food choices; however my weaknesses for sugar are way stronger than my discipline, as usual.
I thought I would start again another Fast today, but a lunch invitation from my dear friend Max, made me change all my plans – not that I needed much to give up to the idea of drinking only Water. In any case today I screwed up again; although I didn’t have anything for breakfast – I ate tons of carbs for lunch and after lunch. I’m still the idea of starting a new fast though, this time a clean only-water type of Fast, with maybe only my tinctures twice a day with the Kidney tea.
The reason why I decided to do a water-only Fast is because I want to reach a good state of Ketosis; last week due to the mud pudding I never was in ketosis and my fat didn’t seem shredding down at all, no matter what the scale was saying. Talking about the scale, I decided to check my weight only once a week, maybe on Fridays; in this way I have a better understanding on how my weekly Fasting plans are affecting my weight overall, without going crazy with the everyday measurements.
So today’s gone, not sure if I can make it tomorrow either considering I’ll see my man for a movie night, which is usually an evening with m&m’s and other junk food, all enjoyable things anyway! But I don’t want to give up on my Fasting idea, I really need to find again a good ketosis status and the mental clarity that only a Water Fast can give me and that I love so much. I cannot wait for it; I cannot wait for me to find the strengths on making this happen. Wish me luck!
I thought I would start again another Fast today, but a lunch invitation from my dear friend Max, made me change all my plans – not that I needed much to give up to the idea of drinking only Water. In any case today I screwed up again; although I didn’t have anything for breakfast – I ate tons of carbs for lunch and after lunch. I’m still the idea of starting a new fast though, this time a clean only-water type of Fast, with maybe only my tinctures twice a day with the Kidney tea.
The reason why I decided to do a water-only Fast is because I want to reach a good state of Ketosis; last week due to the mud pudding I never was in ketosis and my fat didn’t seem shredding down at all, no matter what the scale was saying. Talking about the scale, I decided to check my weight only once a week, maybe on Fridays; in this way I have a better understanding on how my weekly Fasting plans are affecting my weight overall, without going crazy with the everyday measurements.
So today’s gone, not sure if I can make it tomorrow either considering I’ll see my man for a movie night, which is usually an evening with m&m’s and other junk food, all enjoyable things anyway! But I don’t want to give up on my Fasting idea, I really need to find again a good ketosis status and the mental clarity that only a Water Fast can give me and that I love so much. I cannot wait for it; I cannot wait for me to find the strengths on making this happen. Wish me luck!
Chocolate Bars,
Junk Food,
Mental Clarity,
Mud Pudding,
Sugar Cravings,
Water Fast
Friday, 16 June 2017
Master Fast System (MFS) - Don't waste your money
I have been playing with the Fab 6 tinctures and the Plasma Pudding from the Master Fast System (MFS) since few weeks now and what I can
say is that I wasted tons of money.
Don’t get me wrong I love the pudding
and I believe it’s very cleansing in
its way; the tinctures I’m sure are
a good supplement to a diet trying to
get rid of parasite – since I
believe diet only would never realistically work.
However all that grape juice is just wrong in my opinion; way too much sugar - juice made from pasteurized grape concentrate. If anything we should eat the fruit as Mother Nature gave to us, not from concentrate. Every time you drink the juice, it sky-rocks your insulin production in your body, and since we are supposed to drink through the day, well you do the math. The only positive thing that I can see in the MFS is the Dry Fast; it’s good IF with a Dry Fast and a weekly 24/48 hours of fasting.
MFS people are very sensitive on this subject, you are not allowed to have your own opinion and most likely – whatever it is – you are darn wrong. They are the Truth, the plasmatic revelation of the Earth! WTH grow up people, science is made from the same people that invented pasteurization of your plasmatic grape juice.
If I drink only grape juice I give to my body only liquid sugar, tons of vitamins are lost from the juicing process, it is more than enough not to let your body go into Ketosis so you cannot use the stored nutriments that – you perfect body system – ensured to have in case of starvation.
The tinctures cannot give you enough energy to sustain a normal life, you need to release stored fat to survive; this is the way we were designed by nature. We store fat so we can use to survive till next time we find food. They break the process, thinking only on clearing the colon, when it’s scientifically proved that our perfect body cleans itself after 4/5 days. You can Water Fast for 4/5 days and feel better.
But another word that cannot be spoken with the MFS people is Water. They do not drink water like it was poison. Well I would rather drinking water than a pasteurized grape juice who knows how made.
I’m good on giving the digestive system a break, drinking only water or dry fasting, but fruit juice? Really? For 108 days? It is just crazy, people claim magical healing when they do not understand that most probably is the Dry Fast helping them not the grape juice. Wake up people, MFS is a lot of money that will not help you lose weight that easily, you will go in starvation drinking only sugar and gain back everything with sugar cravings over the roof. Save your money and your health, condemn the grape feast mistake!
However all that grape juice is just wrong in my opinion; way too much sugar - juice made from pasteurized grape concentrate. If anything we should eat the fruit as Mother Nature gave to us, not from concentrate. Every time you drink the juice, it sky-rocks your insulin production in your body, and since we are supposed to drink through the day, well you do the math. The only positive thing that I can see in the MFS is the Dry Fast; it’s good IF with a Dry Fast and a weekly 24/48 hours of fasting.
MFS people are very sensitive on this subject, you are not allowed to have your own opinion and most likely – whatever it is – you are darn wrong. They are the Truth, the plasmatic revelation of the Earth! WTH grow up people, science is made from the same people that invented pasteurization of your plasmatic grape juice.
If I drink only grape juice I give to my body only liquid sugar, tons of vitamins are lost from the juicing process, it is more than enough not to let your body go into Ketosis so you cannot use the stored nutriments that – you perfect body system – ensured to have in case of starvation.
The tinctures cannot give you enough energy to sustain a normal life, you need to release stored fat to survive; this is the way we were designed by nature. We store fat so we can use to survive till next time we find food. They break the process, thinking only on clearing the colon, when it’s scientifically proved that our perfect body cleans itself after 4/5 days. You can Water Fast for 4/5 days and feel better.
But another word that cannot be spoken with the MFS people is Water. They do not drink water like it was poison. Well I would rather drinking water than a pasteurized grape juice who knows how made.
I’m good on giving the digestive system a break, drinking only water or dry fasting, but fruit juice? Really? For 108 days? It is just crazy, people claim magical healing when they do not understand that most probably is the Dry Fast helping them not the grape juice. Wake up people, MFS is a lot of money that will not help you lose weight that easily, you will go in starvation drinking only sugar and gain back everything with sugar cravings over the roof. Save your money and your health, condemn the grape feast mistake!
Dry Fast,
Grape Juice,
Master Fast System,
Plasma Pudding,
Water Fast
Day #5 - Still long way to go
It’s Friday
and I’m just on my Fifth Day of this
no-solid-food/mostly-Water Fast, I don’t even know how to describe it; it is 80%
lemon Water and 20% juice and mud-powders.
But so far I’m ok; I was 63.1Kg this
morning, which it means that I still need to lose 20 pounds! Things are going very slowly and sacrifices are tons
when without solid food.
Good thing my yesterday green juice gave me enough energy to do my workout and it was better than the previous day, I was able to do a sort of HIIT on the treadmill, but just for few minutes since I’m really out of shape. But I need to keep on going if I want to see results, and I’m sure the more I go the less I’ll feel dying for 30 seconds run.
Weekends are scary for me since I see my always-hungry man and I give up on temptations fairly quickly. I can screw up in 2 days the hard work done in a week, and again I’m at square one with the scale, it’s like never ending if I keep on doing it! I lose, I gain, I lose, I gain,…my body would soon start to get sick of it – not to mention that I’m annoying the hell out of people and myself. Bu somehow I have to learn to live above my demons or I’ll be on this dieting for the rest of my life.
I did not check my Ketosis this morning; I thought it will be the same as yesterday anyway. I had a small BM this morning, in the usual mucoid plaque shape, since I had a big portion of my pudding yesterday. I have a new enema kit that I purchased on amazon, yesterday I cleaned and it is now ready to be used, whenever I need it. I didn’t want to buy anymore Fleets-enemas, they are too expensive.
I’m still taking twice a day my tinctures, in the morning when I get ready for work and in the afternoon when I’m home. I used to take the second dose as shot, but yesterday I decided not to do it anymore and keep on drinking it with the Bell Kidney Tea. The reason why is because of the alcohol content, I know that alcohol is really bad for Candida, and for my adrenal glands too, so I decided to use the Kidney Tea so it can evaporate with the hot water, well at least I hope so.
I’m doing everything I can here to fight my Candida Overgrowth, I also put some Tea Tree Oil on my toenails, because of my big toenail fungus, hopefully it will go away, but I read somewhere that it’s not that easy either and it can come back anytime, plus it’s very contagious! What else?!?!
Good thing my yesterday green juice gave me enough energy to do my workout and it was better than the previous day, I was able to do a sort of HIIT on the treadmill, but just for few minutes since I’m really out of shape. But I need to keep on going if I want to see results, and I’m sure the more I go the less I’ll feel dying for 30 seconds run.
Weekends are scary for me since I see my always-hungry man and I give up on temptations fairly quickly. I can screw up in 2 days the hard work done in a week, and again I’m at square one with the scale, it’s like never ending if I keep on doing it! I lose, I gain, I lose, I gain,…my body would soon start to get sick of it – not to mention that I’m annoying the hell out of people and myself. Bu somehow I have to learn to live above my demons or I’ll be on this dieting for the rest of my life.
I did not check my Ketosis this morning; I thought it will be the same as yesterday anyway. I had a small BM this morning, in the usual mucoid plaque shape, since I had a big portion of my pudding yesterday. I have a new enema kit that I purchased on amazon, yesterday I cleaned and it is now ready to be used, whenever I need it. I didn’t want to buy anymore Fleets-enemas, they are too expensive.
I’m still taking twice a day my tinctures, in the morning when I get ready for work and in the afternoon when I’m home. I used to take the second dose as shot, but yesterday I decided not to do it anymore and keep on drinking it with the Bell Kidney Tea. The reason why is because of the alcohol content, I know that alcohol is really bad for Candida, and for my adrenal glands too, so I decided to use the Kidney Tea so it can evaporate with the hot water, well at least I hope so.
I’m doing everything I can here to fight my Candida Overgrowth, I also put some Tea Tree Oil on my toenails, because of my big toenail fungus, hopefully it will go away, but I read somewhere that it’s not that easy either and it can come back anytime, plus it’s very contagious! What else?!?!
Candida Overgrowth,
Grape Juice,
Mucoid Plaque,
Mud Pudding,
Plasma Pudding,
Tea Tree Oil,
Toenail Fungus,
Water Fast
Day #4 - No Solid Food Fast
Fourth day of my liquid-base type of Fast, I would no rather call it Water Fast anymore since today I had a cup of green juice (organic mix of apple, cucumber, romaine, lemon, kale, spinach and green pepper), and also I’m having my mud pudding every day so that counts too.
I feel good so far though; most of my days are just with water & lemon juice so my digestive system is still chilling anyway. I did an enema this morning, since I didn’t feel quite right with my BMs, and taking the pudding makes me always wondering if it can have a constipate effect on me. But it was good, we’re back on the mucoid plaque shape since I’m eating psyllium husk, but colour wise is not that black like when I was drinking grape juice, which it makes perfect sense. I’m sure my “mucoid plaques” would have been green if I was drinking vegetable juice instead of grape!
I managed to go another 20 minutes to the gym yesterday, today I feel my legs sore but I’m not complaining, as my man says half of the battle is actually going to the gym, and I’m trying to build some discipline around my workouts routine.
I also checked my Ketosis this morning and I had only some traces, which it means that my carbs intake is enough not to produce too many ketones; I’m still not 100% sure though if this is the right way to go, but for now I don’t want to give up my mud pudding, I look forward to it every day, so maybe when I’m Fasting on Bone Broth I won’t eat it.
Grape Juice,
Green Juice,
Mucoid Plaque,
Water Fast
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Modified Water Fast - Day #3
I’m in the third day of this modified Water Fast and so far I feel good, not many cravings or hunger and I always look forward to my mud pudding so I can be rewarded with something healthy at the end of my days.
Yesterday I managed to go in my building’s gym for just half hour, that was different of what I planned but keeping consistency might do the trick down the road and make me feel better on going to the gym for a class, well at least I hope so.
I’m having daily BMs as today but I was thinking to do enemas regardless, not sure if it could be beneficial for the Candida and avoid any leftover food in my colon for too long. Also the pudding is not helping the BMs in general so I need to keep an eye on it or I could get constipated.
Today I will increase the probiotics that I take every day, in addition to my morning 80 billion one, I’ll have 2 pills of 10 million during the day, I thought I should have a good probiotics plan attack if I want to fight my Candida; plus I’m having still my supplements and the tinctures.
I planned to check my Ketosis tomorrow that’s Thursday, as well as my weight – that doesn’t seem changing much if I base on my clothes, but it requires time I’m sure. Today I want to go the gym again, yesterday I went for only half hour but I can feel the sore already in my legs, just a little ok but in any case something started to work! I can build up resistance and strengths with the time, going forward.
I was also thinking on changing my social life, to see more friends and maybe to make new ones. There’s a girl on my floor that I see always by herself, and we lived in the building long time so we once introduced each other. I don’t know if she will be up to hang out with me, but I have nothing to lose anyway, and if she likes the idea, will be nice having a friend so close.
Social Life,
Water Fast
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Eating my Feelings
Since I read the article from the Candida
Crusher website, all those words are stuck in my mind and all makes a perfect sense.
Sometimes I feel trapped into my dieting, my overweight, my cravings, my
hormones, my anxiety and depression. It’s true, I’m annoying the hell out of
people, my boyfriend might think I’m crazy by now, my friends don’t want to
hear me anymore and even my mother is often out of patience with all my struggles
dieting. It’s a never ending story this one, and maybe the Candida Crusher is
right, maybe my biggest problem is not the Candida, but it’s just me.
I feel I’ve stopped living a normal life since such long time. I don’t enjoy things anymore in the same way, because my mind is always around food, thinking about my weight, calories, sugar and so on. I really cannot live in this way for long, I need to enjoy life and everything will come together. I’ve been missing the gym for so long, every day I tell myself to go and every day I don’t. It’s a vicious circle.
I would love to go away in one of those tropical retreats where I can do a prolonged Water Fast doing nothing all day, just resting and enjoying the sun. I would like for the days to go, for my extra pounds to go away fast, but everything requires time and patience.
Today I have a clear understanding of what anxiety is to me; I always thought I should feel a sort of panic inside, a screaming me trapped into my head, often I thought my anxiety symptoms were only the heavy breathing ones, but not today. Today I felt for 2 seconds, while sitting at my desk in the office, a pure anxious feeling coming, it lasted only 2 seconds but it was clear that I was going to get worried and depressed about….something, I instantly thought about the pills my mom gave me for when I feel very anxious and depressed.
I want to go to the gym today, I’m sure exercising will help me a lot with my mood. The re-start will be very hard I know, I’ve been slacking on my workouts since a while now, so I won’t have the strengths to keep up with a whole class, but I need to start somehow.
We should never get food be our main problem, I don’t think it’s normal. It’s like food is my boyfriend, I think more of it than my actual man! Set yourself free; keep always in your mind that eventually food and dieting will annoy you so much that will become secondary to everything else.
I feel I’ve stopped living a normal life since such long time. I don’t enjoy things anymore in the same way, because my mind is always around food, thinking about my weight, calories, sugar and so on. I really cannot live in this way for long, I need to enjoy life and everything will come together. I’ve been missing the gym for so long, every day I tell myself to go and every day I don’t. It’s a vicious circle.
I would love to go away in one of those tropical retreats where I can do a prolonged Water Fast doing nothing all day, just resting and enjoying the sun. I would like for the days to go, for my extra pounds to go away fast, but everything requires time and patience.
Today I have a clear understanding of what anxiety is to me; I always thought I should feel a sort of panic inside, a screaming me trapped into my head, often I thought my anxiety symptoms were only the heavy breathing ones, but not today. Today I felt for 2 seconds, while sitting at my desk in the office, a pure anxious feeling coming, it lasted only 2 seconds but it was clear that I was going to get worried and depressed about….something, I instantly thought about the pills my mom gave me for when I feel very anxious and depressed.
I want to go to the gym today, I’m sure exercising will help me a lot with my mood. The re-start will be very hard I know, I’ve been slacking on my workouts since a while now, so I won’t have the strengths to keep up with a whole class, but I need to start somehow.
We should never get food be our main problem, I don’t think it’s normal. It’s like food is my boyfriend, I think more of it than my actual man! Set yourself free; keep always in your mind that eventually food and dieting will annoy you so much that will become secondary to everything else.
My modified Water Fast Day #2
This time around is not a regular Water Fast for me, I’m still taking my tinctures, supplements and I planned to have once a day my mud pudding; I’m hoping that those additional ingredients will help me to cleanse my body in addition of not having any solid food.
I begin my mornings with the Bell Kidney tea with my tinctures and the juice of half lemon; during the day I drink only water, often with lemon juice in it; plus I take all the supplements here and there. When I go home from work I take again my tinctures but without the kidney tea, just as shot, oh man they are so strong, I can feel it in my throat and after just one minute in my body, a couple of times I felt dizzy after taking it, not sure why – but it happens only when I drink it without the tea, so maybe is the alcohol in it. I usually wait from 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating my pudding; it is made with 2 cups of grape juice and my 3 magic super powders mix.
The reason why I’m ok taking this extra sugar is to avoid very high Ketosis that I would reach otherwise with a Water-Only Fast. Apparently Candida can feed on ketones too, I’m still not 100% sold on this theory but I want to give it a try and see how I feel, certainly I can say that the tinctures are doing its job, my anxiety is way less lately and for me is a great relief.
I don’t feel much hungry today, I would eat an entire truck of cheeseburgers but I can easily handle not to do that. I noticed that if I don’t think about food or see, smell, look at pictures, it is a bit easier; I think the part of me that feel deprived comes out screaming to eat, to enjoy what I like the most, of why this punishment, but I love myself more when I’m not overweight and I can wear everything I have in my closet rather than struggling every morning on what to do to “cover” my huge belly.
Sometimes I think that those uncontrollable cravings I have could be hormone related; the way I feel once a month or so it’s becoming a clear pattern so I wonder if the pre-menopause has nothing to do with it. I’m still young to think about menopause but can be just a hormone change that is giving me not only cravings but all those negative thoughts about everything and everyone, that also negatively impact the health of adrenal glands and the production of cortisol sky rocks for the “benefit” of the Candida. Well no matter how I put it... I’m screwed!
I begin my mornings with the Bell Kidney tea with my tinctures and the juice of half lemon; during the day I drink only water, often with lemon juice in it; plus I take all the supplements here and there. When I go home from work I take again my tinctures but without the kidney tea, just as shot, oh man they are so strong, I can feel it in my throat and after just one minute in my body, a couple of times I felt dizzy after taking it, not sure why – but it happens only when I drink it without the tea, so maybe is the alcohol in it. I usually wait from 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating my pudding; it is made with 2 cups of grape juice and my 3 magic super powders mix.
The reason why I’m ok taking this extra sugar is to avoid very high Ketosis that I would reach otherwise with a Water-Only Fast. Apparently Candida can feed on ketones too, I’m still not 100% sold on this theory but I want to give it a try and see how I feel, certainly I can say that the tinctures are doing its job, my anxiety is way less lately and for me is a great relief.
I don’t feel much hungry today, I would eat an entire truck of cheeseburgers but I can easily handle not to do that. I noticed that if I don’t think about food or see, smell, look at pictures, it is a bit easier; I think the part of me that feel deprived comes out screaming to eat, to enjoy what I like the most, of why this punishment, but I love myself more when I’m not overweight and I can wear everything I have in my closet rather than struggling every morning on what to do to “cover” my huge belly.
Sometimes I think that those uncontrollable cravings I have could be hormone related; the way I feel once a month or so it’s becoming a clear pattern so I wonder if the pre-menopause has nothing to do with it. I’m still young to think about menopause but can be just a hormone change that is giving me not only cravings but all those negative thoughts about everything and everyone, that also negatively impact the health of adrenal glands and the production of cortisol sky rocks for the “benefit” of the Candida. Well no matter how I put it... I’m screwed!
Lemon Juice,
Mud Pudding,
Water Fast
Monday, 12 June 2017
My diet is becoming my main stress
Today I was reading an article regarding the Candida issues on the Candida Crusher website and mistakes to avoid; one part really made me laugh and feeling guilty at the same time. I’m copying here his words so you can see if you read between the lines yourself as well:
"Any kind of food can feed Candida, especially what we’ll look at a little bit later on is when you’re diet focused and you’re not understanding about the stress connection. Because when you become very focused on diet, it becomes a stress in its own right. You annoy the hell out of people around you. You start annoying yourself after a while, it becomes a stress. You can’t live like this for long. Lots of these diets like GAPS and SCD were not designed for you to be on for 19 years. They were designed for short duration and to get you the hell off that diet."
Candida Crusher,
Long Term Diet,
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