Thursday, 29 June 2017

A day after breaking my Dry Fast

First day after breaking my Dry Fast is passed, yesterday I had lots of Coconut Water, too much maybe since this morning my Ketostix was reporting only some traces of Ketosistoo much sugar. I also registered a 600gr weight gain today; I guess is not fat but some water retention. Let me tell you: Dry Fasting is absolutely amazing; the level of healing and impact with the body is beyond what I was expecting. From the outside it does looks the same like a Water Fast, but once you break the Fast then the magic starts to happen!
I have to say that even with a can of Coconut Water my stomach gets cranky and I have to run to the washroom, so I’m having episode of diarrhea every time I drink the Coconut Water – oddly doesn’t happen if I drink just water with lemon juice. In any case yesterday during one of those BMs I think I released a tiny worm, it looked like a filament, thicker than hair but not that much and long approximately 15cm or so – I didn’t measure it really.
Since I’m drinking water now I took my probiotics last night and this morning as well, with this diarrhea I need to help my friendly bacteria with some probiotics, also I hope they will continue to fight the Candida Albicans Overgrowth, since it should be starving and weak at the moment.
Even though I fasted only for 6 days the refeeding process for a Dry Fast is way longer compared a 6 day fasting with water only, by now I would be able to eat normally – instead I cannot even drink Coconut Water that I need to run to the bathroom. So keep in mind that the longer is your Dry Fast the longer is your refeeding period.
I wanted to do an enema this morning but I really didn’t feel the need to do it, plus I have these liquid BMs so I don’t want to stress too much my colon. I know it sounds gross but this is life, it’s just poop, everybody poop, so I think is normal describing it, plus everything is related to our GI tract here so it’s almost inevitable not to talk about BMs.
Yesterday evening I felt very well with amazing energy and good mood, I believe it was the sugar but I had no hunger whatsoever, not even thirsty really – but even now I’m just drinking because I like the sweet taste of the Coconut Water, I’m not really thirsty.
I’m thinking to continue drinking water & Coconut Water for today but tomorrow I would like to switch to Bone Broth, I don’t like the idea of having so much sugar and I need a proper refeeding plan since I’m going out of town for the long weekend and I might eat solid food during the trip – unless I want my man being grumpy all the times!

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