Friday 16 June 2017

Day #4 - No Solid Food Fast

Fourth day of my liquid-base type of Fast, I would no rather call it Water Fast anymore since today I had a cup of green juice (organic mix of apple, cucumber, romaine, lemon, kale, spinach and green pepper), and also I’m having my mud pudding every day so that counts too.
I feel good so far though; most of my days are just with water & lemon juice so my digestive system is still chilling anyway. I did an enema this morning, since I didn’t feel quite right with my BMs, and taking the pudding makes me always wondering if it can have a constipate effect on me. But it was good, we’re back on the mucoid plaque shape since I’m eating psyllium husk, but colour wise is not that black like when I was drinking grape juice, which it makes perfect sense. I’m sure my “mucoid plaques” would have been green if I was drinking vegetable juice instead of grape!
I managed to go another 20 minutes to the gym yesterday, today I feel my legs sore but I’m not complaining, as my man says half of the battle is actually going to the gym, and I’m trying to build some discipline around my workouts routine.
I also checked my Ketosis this morning and I had only some traces, which it means that my carbs intake is enough not to produce too many ketones; I’m still not 100% sure though if this is the right way to go, but for now I don’t want to give up my mud pudding, I look forward to it every day, so maybe when I’m Fasting on Bone Broth I won’t eat it.

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