So I’ve been on this MFS since almost three weeks now and did some experiments with my Plasma Pudding – which I want to repeat, is based on 3 main ingredients (usually mixed with grape juice):
- Psyllium Husk Powder
- Activated Charcoal Powder
- Bentonite Clay Powder
Then I stopped to eat the pudding for few days, still taking my tinctures as usual and drinking grape juice, but not the pudding. Well my releases came back to “normal”, normal colour, normal shape, normal consistency. It was clear to me that removing the pudding had a tangible effect to the “shape” of my releases.
Then I decided to get back fully into the MFS Protocol, with my lovely mud pudding and the grape juice, however since I cannot tolerate the juice and its sweetness I decided to add some water to my daily intake of juice. Well my releases changed; they came out again dark as the Activated Charcoal, jelly as the Psyllium Husk but not worm-like anymore as before, they came out more “liquid” since I’m diluting the grape juice with water – I would say I have now a ratio of 1:1 almost.
My conclusion was that the Pudding is making me poop in this worm-like way and it’s ok, because I’m sure that all the ingredients of the pudding are very detoxifying and somehow I’m cleaning my gut, but it is not a long worm coming out from the wall of my intestine being there for years.
Often we hear what we want to hear, to justify something that requires such a great effort, we feel better if it’s done with a high purpose and we see every day the amazingly incredible results! Wake up!
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