Friday, 9 June 2017

How I'm fighting my Candida

To fight my Candida Albicans Overgrowth (COS) I’m using various types of herbs that are supposed to be antifungal/antibacterial, help to clean the body and the GI tract. In addition to my personal choice herbs & supplements, I’m still taking twice a day the Dr. Morse tinctures that have also a lot of ingredients supposedly good to cope with Candida overgrowing.
Here’s a brief list of my army of herbs and supplements to fight the Candida:
  • Oregano Oil drops in the morning - powerful antifungal agent
  • Pau D’Arco capsules three times a day - powerful antifungal agent
  • Oregano Oil vulgare with garlic 2/3 times a day - powerful antifungal agents
  • MSM once a day – sulfur with countless health benefits
  • Probiotic 80 billion in the morning – to help the good bacteria in the gut
  • Probiotics 50 million in the evening
  • Biotin – very important for Candida sufferers because it prevents the Candida yeast cells from converting into the pathogenic, fungal form
I’m also working on cleaning my GI tract with the pudding based on Activated Charcoal, Psyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay, all great products for cleansing my digestive system.
In addition to this, it’s also the fact that I’m not eating any solid food so I’m giving my digestive system a rest.  Adding Bone Broth next week will also help fighting the Candida since it’s considered one of the best food sources to destroy Candida due to its positive effects on gut health.
In my humble opinion there's no way I could fight Candida Overgrowth just with a proper Diet, I need herbs / supplements / tinctures to help me in the process. Candida might be very hard to kill and having an Overgrowth sometime could mean that other fungus are present in the gut.
I cannot say that it’s been easy so far, especially drinking the grape juice, but the desire of getting rid of this terrible yeast is bigger than the pain. Plus I want my life back, I don’t want to be slave of sugar, of cravings, I want to enjoy everything mother’s nature gave us without fearing that I won’t be able to stop eating.

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