Friday, 17 May 2019

2019 Fast 5.0 - Dry Fast Day #5

109 hours into the Dry Fast - 69.25 Kg
I'm finally into the 3-digit numbers of hours, it is always a nice accomplishment for me when I reach it - although it's just 4.5 days in this Soft Dry Fast.
Yesterday I did an enema, I felt I needed to clean a bit my bowel - I felt uncomfortable knowing there was still food sitting there.
I also took a bath with Epsom salt, with relaxing music, a candle and a face mask to clean my skin. During a Fast I always feel the need to pamper myself. It's like an extra care for my body.
This morning I had a good loss, a bit less than I was expecting (considering what I released after the enema) but still ok. I feel my mouth a bit dry today and I can tell that my speech will be soon affected by this, I already feel my dry tongue while talking. I am working from home today, it's a beautifully sunny day and I would love to stay hours in the sun - but I have things to do. I'll be working tonight at the banquet hall and hopefully I won't be tempted to drink water, not much the food - which I know I'll be ok resisting it - but I get dehydrated when I work there, running around; in any case it won't be my first time dry fasting and working so I should be ok. I felt really motivated this morning, thinking that this is the time for me to finally achieve all my weight loss goals, to have a better skin, better mood, more confidence in myself and smile more! I hope I can be strong enough for all of that.

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