Friday, 21 October 2016

Water Fast Day #18 - Updates and discomforts

This morning I had a confirmation that being lazy is not good not even when you are Water Fasting! My weight did not change and my traces of Ketosis were small this morning at 40mg/dL, while I had a solid Large traces for the past few days. I worked from home yesterday, that's the main reason, in my small apartment there's not much to walk around or to do, and I was also mostly sitting at my desk doing some work.  Today I'm back in the office and TGIF, because I'm getting bored with my assignments and I can't wait to actually do some real work here. I also planned to go to the cinema after work, there's a new Tim Burton's movie that I really want to see, and I don't mind going by myself really.
Tomorrow I want to do a couple of errands, and relax also, weather is getting colder here in Toronto e I don't feel walking around same way as during summer, guess why! This morning my back hurts a bit, nothing crazy but some pain is there; I admit it every time I have some sort of discomfort in my body I wonder is it's part of the detox process, I don't have any confirmation about that but I like to think so though.
My main discomfort so far is my mouth, not just the white coated tongue but the feeling of dryness and the bad breath, unfortunately there's not much I can do about it, even if I try to sip water it still feel the same, I guess I just need to wait till the detox process goes to an end, apparently the tongue will turn pink while the Fasting Process needs to end…let's see if I can reach that point first, I'm planning to stick to the fast at least for 25 days, to ensure my Candida is harmless, but really my body will tell me when it's time to end it.

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