Friday, 8 September 2017

Combined Dry & Water Days 11 , 12 and 13

Not much to report for the past 3 days, my Water Fast is proceeding well, I don’t feel hungry at all and my ketones are usually pretty good, always 80mg/dL up to 150mg/dL. For some reason the Ketostix are backordered and I could not find any at the drugs stores, so for now I would just assume I’m in ketosis since I’m not eating anything, I hope I will be able to find a package somewhere in the city.
In the past couple of days I had 2 BMs, mostly liquid of course but it’s amazing to see how after more than 10 days my body is still cleaning up my GI tract. I noticed that when I suddenly drink a big jar of hot lemon water I always need to use the washroom, maybe too much water in once or the lemon effect? Who knows?!

My weight loss is slowing down consistently - unfortunately, I know it’s a normal body reaction but it’s frustrating seeing the scale barely moving, but mostly not seeing on my body the fat going away at the same rate as the Dry Fast. I was actually thinking on starting a new 5/7 days Dry Fast, but I’m still undecided, it is very easy doing a Water Fast when able to sip on lemon water or my kidney tea. Well I guess this is the price I have to pay to please my palate.

Tomorrow I’m going out of town with my parents for the weekend, I hope I can stay away a bit from the lemon water and sip only on pure water that might help the weight loss. I just hope my mother will not start to complain 24/7 about me not eating anything; it will be a tough weekend if I have to listen to her no stop. I know it can be hard to understand for people around you that you’re not eating anything, but I believe concerns are moved by genuine worries though, at least most of the times - and in my case from my mother - for sure. I just try to let her understand that I know what I’m doing, that I feel very good and if I ever experience any problematic discomfort during the fast, then I’ll break it without thinking twice.

Sometime I feel I am a masochistic person, I know exactly that if I drink my lemon water or my kidney tea my stomach really hurts, but no matter what, I do it and do it again all the times! Why is that I really don’t know. When Water Fasting the stomach is very sensitive to everything you feed with, so even a little bit of tea or just a bit of lemon juice in a liter of water can be felt as a stomachache in no time.

One thing I noticed in these days is that my strengths are slightly going down; I feel my purse is becoming heavier and heavier when I walk around, and 2 days ago I went out during lunch time for some errands with few things in my purse, now my left trapezius muscle is killing me. So be careful on where you push your body during a prolonged Water Fast or you might regret it.
Just to say though, that in general I don’t feel weak or tired, is like the mind is super focused, alert, mood is good, the anxiety is almost gone; but my body is on a different wave – maybe busy detoxing and repairing other things inside.

My mouth still feels kind of awful, but my tongue at time changes colour, from stinky white coated to light pink. The “thirst” that lot of people think to feel during a Water Fast is actually the mouth sensation that doesn’t give a rest to a Faster, is not actually thirst – especially when drinking so much water all day. Unfortunately there is not much that can be done with the tongue issue, at least that I’m aware of. We just need to cope with it, it gets better with the days – I tend to get used to, still not feeling right but I don’t complain like during a Dry Fast. Hot water usually helps though – I would suggest giving it a try.

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