Friday, 1 February 2019

Reloading My 2019 Fast - Dry Fast Day #3

60 hrs into the Dry Fast - 71.55Kg
Another Day is passed and I'm now on the 60 hours mark, I'm doing ok so far, not much thirsty but the desire of water is increasing a bit. Last night I woke up around 12:30 AM and I could not fall asleep for about 2hrs; I'm guessing is because of the Fast but I'm not 100% sure about that.
It's been really cold here lately (-20° C) and the heat is always on in my apartment, causing extremely dry air. This morning I woke up feeling my throat really dry, I thought of breaking the fast for that. However, I do feel fine, I think is the Dry air that is causing me this dryness. I walked outside for a bit and - despite the freezing weather - I felt better. Now I'm in the office and I still have a bit of a dry throat - but it's definitely bearable.
Yesterday evening I checked my Ketosis but my Ketostix wasn't showing any sign of it - that was at the 48hrs mark or so; I need to wait another day to see some colour on my Ketostix. People says that when you get fat adapted you get into Ketosis faster, I don't think is true; it all depends on what you ate before beginning your fast. Best way is to do a Pre-Fast Ketogenic-Diet.
This morning I don't feel great, my mental clarity is definitely not there, I feel a bit slow actually. Sometime I wonder if I'm lacking on Vitamins, especially Vitamin D - due to this weather I am never in the sun. Fortunately is Friday today and this weekend I'll have the chance to rest a bit, well I hope so - with my parents around is always a challenge. I'm not allowed to stay in bed past 8:00 AM!
I am seeing great loss results so far, although is just 2.5 days that I'm fasting, but my hope is that the pace of how I lose weight keeps this rate while Dry Fasting. I lost more than a Kg in the past 24hrs. I know a lot of this weight is water but once I get into Ketosis I'm sure I'll burn more fat as well. I have often temptations on breaking this Dry Fast and drinking some water or decaf coffee, but I have to be strong, stronger than ever before. I want to continue this Dry Fast as long as I possibly can. I know I can reach 7/8 days without major issues, I just need to be disciplined. After all, any water, coffee that I'm craving today - is going to be there when I'll end my Dry Fast - in just few days from now. Days will pass and I will be skinnier and closer to my goal weight.

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