Monday, 4 February 2019

Reloading My 2019 Fast - Dry Fast Day #6

132 hrs into the Dry Fast - 67.8Kg
My Dry Fast is going very well so far, I'm seeing great results. Since Day #1 I lost 6Kg (13.2lb)! Amazing number for me, although I've seen people losing double of this weight in the first five days. But that's ok, I'm happy with my results. I can see my face slimming down, not sure if it's also all the water retention that I had prior the Fast, and maybe after resuming liquids it might change again. Last time I retained 2Kg of water when I broke my Dry Fast, I'm curious to see this time around how it will be.
This weekend was a bit of a challenge for me. Saturday went by quicker than Sunday, since I went around with my parents for some errands and grocery shopping, so I was busy driving and bringing stuff in my apartment, including a new chest bought from IKEA!
Sunday I had many things to do at home so I didn't go anywhere. I had the hard task of assembling the IKEA chest. It was extremely tough on my strengths but I made it after all and without any help. I felt really tired after - needed to sit here and there. I have to add that same day I also baked a cake, cleaned my balcony of all the snow accumulated, dyed my hair, cleaned all over in the apartment and did a couple of laundry. I was very tired by the end of the day - which it was 7:00 PM. I did take a warm bath though with Epsom salt, I figured it will help my skin absorbing a bit of water and some salt, since I was feeling so drained by all the tasks of the day and also to relax and rest a bit in the warm water listening to soft music.
Last night I barely slept, I could not fall asleep and when I fell asleep it didn't last more than 30 minutes. Not sure if I was a bit anxious for my tomorrow's eye surgery or just because of the Dry Fast. In any case, when Fasting I always have hard time sleeping - something that doesn't help when trying to rest and recharge.
My mouth feels a bit dry since yesterday, I cannot talk much otherwise it becomes even dryer than it is. Strangely my tongue is not white coated, does this mean I don't have any yeast or I don't have nothing to detox? I see as more suitable option the first one, not easy to become detox-free nowadays. But I would happily take one of the two really. My mental clarity is not there yet, I guess I should wait my usual 7/8 days to feel smarter!
I'm aiming for 200hrs if I can handle this Dry Fast that long. Ideally I would go for 11 days, apparently there are different stages during a Dry Fast, but I'm not really sure about these "stages", I mean everyone is different I can't imagine that my 100hrs have same exact effect on someone else after same 100hrs.
My Ketosis this morning was good at 80/90 mg/dL - high traces of ketosis, even my blood pressure values were ok: SYS 100, DIA 73 and my pulse was 70, after all I feel good, just an annoying dry mouth. My skin feels really dry, and to be honest I don't think the warm bath helped in any way on hydrating through the skin, I saw no change in weight and I still have dry skin all over.
I didn't do any enema yet, I really don't feel the need to do it. However, I probably should think about it, since my GI tract seems still containing residual food from 6 days ago. For the rest I'm urinating as normal during this Dry Fast, colour is yellow, not clear definitely, and I still feel the need to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom.
I don't feel hungry not even thirsty but I often enjoy washing my hand under fresh water, what I crave so far is fresh juicy tropical fruits, like papaya, mango or watermelon. This is my body telling me what it needs, fascinating to me.
Often I think on breaking this Dry Fast, thinking on drink some fresh water, but I want to be strong, days will pass no matter what and soon I'll be able to drink that desired glass of cool water and feel hydrated again. I just need to endure these few days in front of me, then for sure I would see great results from this Dry Fast and it will be my biggest achievement since I never Dry Fasted more than 7.5 days.
136.5hrs into the Dry Fast
I went for my usual walk in the mall during lunch time, I was looking to find a spot were I can get some sun for my Vitamin D, but nothing. It's Canadian winter here, freezing outside and warm sun is a luxury of other seasons. My mouth feels really dry, I can barely talk. I never felt my mouth so dry after only 5.5 days. I try to swirl some water in my mouth and spit everything in a big glass, even my saliva, so I'm sure I don't ingest water while sipping; it helps for few seconds and that's it - back on dry mouth. This afternoon, once I'm home, I'll be doing an enema, now my body is telling me that wouldn't be bad having it one. I feel my breathing a bit heavy sometimes, not sure what could be, my pulse and blood pressure are good, but it's really light nothing to be worried about, I feel very well otherwise. While Dry Fasting you really need to listen to your body at all times, it's very important to not cross any dangerous line.

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