Tuesday 29 January 2019

Dry Fasting and its powerful benefits

Today I found this interesting article about Dry Fasting. I'm sure there are a lot of sceptical people out there when comes to Dry Fast. Instead there's a lot of science behind the benefits of Dry Fasting and Fasting in general. Everyone should incorporate a type of Fast in their life - I strongly believe that our bodies were not created to be repeatedly fed during the day.

On extended dry fasts the first few days are the roughest as the body is still optimistically holding out for food or water but once it figures out that water and food are not coming and that death is imminent if it doesn’t adapt and fast to given circumstance it switches gears into survival mode— this highly adapted state IS the magical key of dry fasting. Survival of the fittest. All weakness is eradicated. The option of supporting the diseased and parasitic is no longer viable. All non essentials are eliminated and recycled to sustain the essentials. This IS cellular renewal at the deepest level— unattainable by any other means.

**It’s not what you eat so much as WHEN you eat**
“Feeding schedule has been shown to have a significant impact on health and survival. In studies, time-restricted feeding had profound effects on neural, peripheral, and cardiovascular physiology and improved sleep, body weight maintenance, and delayed signs of cardiac aging, under UNCHANGED caloric intake and activity.”

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