Thursday 10 January 2019

What happens when you break a Prolonged Dry Fast

Yesterday, after 4.5 days I broke my Dry Fast. After drinking the horrible mixture with Baking Soda and ACV I was sipping all day on my salt water. I guess I was enjoying the chance to drink again, so I drunk more than 2L of water, I also had 3 decaf coffees with a bit of Stevia. When I weighted myself again in the evening I had gained more than 2Kg! (4.4lb) WTH! My body is retaining water with all its strengths apparently. I didn't drink much in the afternoon/evening and this morning I was down a Kg, so I still have a roughly 2lb of water on me. Well at least I know that it's not fat.
I did like the Dry Fast a lot though; the weight goes away super fast and I don't have annoying trips to the bathroom. I'm thinking on doing Dry Fast cycles every week.
I would like to Dry Fast from Friday afternoon, when I stop to eat or drink till at least Wednesday evening, in the way I can Dry Fast for at least 120hrs. Thursday and Friday I would like to do a small reefed, with liquids and some light lunch, trying to avoid dinner. In this way I can Dry Fast longer. Eventually I can always switch to only Salt Water Fast, which can be protracted longer than a Dry Fast.

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