Thursday, 14 January 2016

First Loading Day done

My first Loading Day is done; it was almost painful by the end of day. I truly believe I had a couple of Binge episodes during the day and it was concerning me a bit, since I'm going to approach a very low calories Diet starting from tomorrow, I cannot deal with urges to binge. I hope I won't.
This morning the scale reported an increase of 2.1 Kg, which is almost scary to me, I was expecting the weight gain with all the food I had yesterday but somehow I was hoping the HCG will give me the benefit of keeping the weight off, oh well maybe tomorrow, who knows…
My injection procedure today was terrible I have to admit. I took the little vial from the fridge and I gently shake it, thinking that the HCG powder might be residing on the bottom of the vial; after that I took one of my insulin syringes of 1ml and I started to draw – what to me looked as mixed solution, after removing the needle from the vial I found it completely crocked! I must to say those syringes are extremely cheap and I'm already thinking on buying better ones for my next injections. Anyhow, I decided to try to straighten the needle and continue with my procedure, so I did, but I couldn't tell if there was just air in the syringe or there was HCG in it, seriously it was hard to see due to the grey colour of the syringe! So basically I proceeded injecting only air in my belly….yes that was what I stupidly did! So, afraid of the subcutaneous air I had just injected in my tummy, I had to continue with I was trying to achieve there: having my HCG daily dosage. The second time I pay more attention on how I was drawing the solution from the vial, I was able to see liquid going inside the syringe, so I took around 52/53 units from the bottle and injected again in my belly, but in a different spot. BTW yesterday injection gave me already a big bruise, what a surprise. I decided to increase slightly my dosage today, thinking about the amount of HCG that can get wasted in the top of syringe and also because I wanted to be sure I had enough HCG in my body to saturate my blood with all the fatty food I'm eating in these 2 Loading Days. Hopefully my assumption can work for me; I figured I might need to understand exactly what dosage works for me just going forward with the VLCD days. This is actually a good point on why is not advisable to pre-prepare all the syringes with HCG solution in advance, if you need to change the dosage it might be impossible to do so without wasting HCG. The required daily amount is so little that really working around it, it's definitely not easy and the margin of error is always quite relevant.
Someone might argue why I don't use the drops, way easier in terms of administering. Well I do not believe in drops; it's scientifically proved that HCG cannot be absorbed in the body via mouth, it simply doesn't; it needs to be injected every day. HHCG is the Homeopathic version, which is just a scam from my point of view, there's no HCG whatsoever in this product, so why bother using it? Do your researches first before choosing this type of Protocol, we are never enough careful when dealing with our health and well-being.

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