Friday, 29 March 2019

2019 Fast 4.0 - Dry Fast Day #4

83 hours into the Dry Fast 
My sleep is already being affected by the Dry Fast, last night I couldn't sleep much; I woke up at 1:30 AM and that was it. I hate when I cannot sleep at night. My mouth is becoming very dry, I don't like it. I thought it will happen around Day 6/7, not now. I have a bit of lower back pain today, and my neck issues are still not gone. I'm thinking I should call the physiotherapist to see what's going on with my neck; I was hoping it will resolve by itself, but it didn't.
This evening I have to work at the banquet hall for a wedding reception, I'm actually glad I will move a bit and consume some ketones & calories in the process. Sitting always in this chair is so detrimental for my health.
Honestly, I can't wait for my parents to leave my apartment. Not that I don't want them with me, but I'm conditioning my life. I don't have weekends for myself to just stay in bed all day, or do nothing. My condo is so messy, I can't find anything in my closets, things are all over the places and I cannot stand looking at those suit-cases on the floor anymore. I'm missing the gym since they came, I kind of put on-hold my life for them. I feel I cannot focus clearly on my weight loss goals, on my food choices. My fridge is full of food that otherwise I would never buy for myself.
I'm leaving with them on April the 8th, I didn't want to go but felt forced to do it. I would rather go to Cuba for a week than there, and spend definitely less money. Oh well, I'm almost done with this so I should try to stay positive and look forward to the end of April for my personal goals...and the freedom of my own apartment!

Thursday, 28 March 2019

2019 Fast 4.0 - Dry Fast Day #3

64 hours into the Dry Fast
I finally started a new Dry Fast. After a lot of struggles I was able to find internal motivation and stay away from food and water. Now let's see if I can make 10 days Dry Fasting this time around. I didn't check my weight yet, I wasn't feeling in the mood to get depressed by my I postponed this ungracious event for Day 7/8. I did check my Ketosis this morning and I'm happy to report a high level of ketones after just 50 hours or so into the Fast! It usually takes me 3/4 days before I see the ketostix changing colour - not to mention that I went to an All-You-Can-Eat buffet the night before, for my mother's birthday celebration!
This morning when I woke up I felt a bit weak, my hands were shaking, so I checked my blood pressure and it was a bit low, still in a normal range though. My tongue is a bit white coated, I'm wondering if my body is detoxifying from all the crap I ate lately. I was having two packs of coconut cookies per day - and those were just snacks! Of course now I'm fat like a poor fattening pig close to be slaughtered.
This will be an open ended Dry Fast, aiming for 10 Days but if I can reach two weeks it will be even better!
I'm flying to Italy on April 8th and I have no plans on refeeding before that day anyway.
The only thing I am worried about is the fact that my mouth and tongue feel already very dry - and I didn't even completed my Day #3 just yet. I hope it will not get worse with the days. In the morning I was having mucus in my mouth, I'm wondering if this is a good sign - that the Dry Fast is cleaning and detoxing my body. My sleep is still good, I didn't have any issue on sleeping all night without interruptions. I'm also urinating as usual, less quantity maybe.
I'm thinking on doing an enema soon, I think I still have a lot of food in my GI tract - I want to clean that too and avoid bacteria overgrowth for the lack of bowel movements.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

2019 Fast 3.0 - I broke my fast at 190 hours (8th day)

After almost 8 days (190hrs) I decided to break my Dry Fast. This was the longest Dry Fast I ever done till today. I was aiming for the 200hrs, I was so close. However, in the morning - while I was driving around my parents - I felt my eyes really dry, I couldn't even see very well; so worried I thought it was time to end this journey.
I broke the Dry Fast with a bit of baking soda and ACV, waited half hour or so and started to drink water. My kidneys were hurting me a bit, I had a BM right away, not a pleasant one. But what was more concerning to me is that I got an UTI right away, with blood in my urine and a strong burning sensation. I'm sure I was dehydrated - but it's so fascinating to me to see how, in the presence of water, all infections come back to life! I t was also a cold snowy day, it might have affected the overall reaction. I didn't have any type of food that day, just plenty of water. I had to work in the afternoon, so I was a bit concerned on eating anything that could cause and urgent need to use the bathroom. The afternoon working was demanding, by the end of the night I was drained, my arms felt really weak bringing around those big trays, but I managed to do it after all. The day after I reported 1Kg water weight gain, which it was expected I guess. After almost 8 days without water my body was holding as much as it could! On Sunday - Refeeding Day #2 - I had a papaya smoothie and a broccoli soup, all of that made me gain another 2lb unfortunately, I should also count the food in my bowel, since I didn't have any BM in those 2 days. Yesterday (day #3 after breaking the DF) I had stomach issues; I guess, as my usual, I ate too much and my shrinked stomach didn't like it. I tried to have mostly liquids in these past 3 days, but I don't think I achieved my goal. Today I wanted to start again another round of a Dry Fast but I feel my mouth really dry, that's a sign that I still need water to be able to begin a new prolonged Dry Fast. It's really easy gaining weight, sure after no food, no water I should have just a tiny meal here and there, without stuffing myself like a pig. This morning I was back on 67.7Kg on my scale, which is devastating for me!

Friday, 1 March 2019

2019 Fast 3.0 - Dry Fast Day #7

160 hours into the Dry Fast - 65.3 Kg (144lb)
I'm officially into Day #7 and outmatching my previous prolonged Dry Fast - which was exactly 160hrs. I feel full of energy, way more than the previous days, regardless my lack of sleep, since I was able to sleep only 2.5hrs last night. Yesterday I had to work at the banquet hall from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM; it is a no-stop work with a lot of walking and heavy lifting, but I did not feel any sign of weakness or intense thirst - I guess it was the normal one after 6 days without food or water. I was actually surprised to see how much energy I had, even after coming back home I was so chatty and happy with desire of accomplish as many tasks as I could! I removed my makeup, I took a shower and I went twice downstairs to talk to the concierge; I also had conversations with my parents showing them what I had bought during the day in my lunch break. I guess my body was using a lot of ketones for energy due to the demanding work-evening. I had a terrible sleep last night though, maybe that hyper activity affected my sleep somehow; I was able to sleep only 2.5hrs I believe, tossing and turning in my bed. This morning when I woke up I checked my Ketones with my ketostix and it was down to 50mg/dL, now I'm wondering if this was because my body was using the excess of ketones to sustain the strenuous activity. I feel well today and the energy is still pretty high; I walked to come to work at -7°C and enjoyed the whole ride, I was breathing deeply and be thankful to inhale the cold and fresh air. I could have run all the way here without issue. Human body is an amazing unpredictable machine, if it needs energy - somehow it will find it.
Yesterday while working, I wasn't tempted by the food at all; I actually used two big containers to bring home some food for my parents, I hope they will like everything, because there's food for 5 days in those containers!
At this time of the Dry Fast last time I was constantly washing my hands to feel the water running on it, I was washing my mouth to refresh and make it less dry; this time instead I don't really feel an urgent feeling to do these things; sure I like feeling the water contact, and most probably it will be nice to swish some water in my mouth, but it's not a big issue so far. Let's see how I will feel tomorrow when another 24 hours are passed. Thankfully is Friday today and, although I don't have nothing to do at work at the moment, I have the feeling the day will go fast and it will be weekend soon. I don't have many plans for this weekend; I will be working again at the banquet hall on Saturday at 5:00 PM and Sunday will be free to do some house chores and maybe a chance to go to the gym and relax. I was actually contemplating the idea to take a warm bath with Epsom salt, to help relaxation and maybe give the chance to my body to absorb some of the salt; maybe will help the dehydration and it will let me prolong this Dry Fast even more than planned. I feel so good right now that I'm sure if I broke the Fast I will lose all these benefits and I'll be back to square one, struggling to lose weight and unable to restart a new Dry Fast. It really doesn't seem a wise decision at the moment, so I'll do my best to be strong for these next few days and achieve better results.