Tuesday 23 September 2014

7 days left

I've 7 days left in my paid month with the Dr. Bernstein Diet Plan, I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to reach my goal in just a week, I'm planning to lose another 3 Kg and it doesn't sound realistic in only 7 days, but I'll have a better idea on what to do in the next days.

As backup plan I was thinking to buy another 2 weeks and after that going in my free month of maintenance. Some people avoid maintenance thinking that now is easy knowing the Diet Plan and the amount of calories necessary to keep the body in starvation. But I'm concerned about the injections of B6 and B12 that will not absorb fat from my body anymore if I stop doing it.

This morning I had only trace of Ketosis in my sample at home, I assume is normal – women have these up and down periods during the month. Everything is hormones for us and it sucks.

I'm down to 56.2Kg this morning on my scale, and I feel great about this value! I don't recall last time I was so skinny, nobody really noticed my weight loss yet. Here in the office I assume is hard since they see me every day, but I'll have a proof this coming Saturday at my niece's birthday party. Last time I've seen all of them was before starting my Dr. Bernstein Diet.

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