A couple of days ago I started a new protocol that I was researching since a while. It is called Master Fast System, which is not really a Fast but a combination of drinking juice and dry fasting basically.
The protocol requires drinking from 1 to 4 liters of Concord Grape Juice with fresh squeezed lemon, as well as a special Kidney Tea with special tinctures added to it and once a day a sort of a Pudding based on grape juice and 3 powdered ingredients - magic for detoxification: Psyllium Husk, Bentonite Clay and Activated Charcoal. Those 3 powders are amazing to detox your gut and they’re rich on fiber as well.
So far I’m on day 1/2 not sure exactly,
since I’ve not been doing it religiously
quite yet, I hope today I won’t
indulge in anything outside the protocol and I’ll be able to find the Plasma Balance that everyone is talking about!
The protocol is not hard to follow overall, you can drink a lot of grape juice and 2 teas per day, plus the “mud pudding” – as my man calls it – is really delicious and I don’t feel deprived as a normal Water Fast. On another note I really don’t want to know what’s the state of my Ketosis, with all this sugar that I’m taking every day; but the idea is to do a sort of intermitting fasting too – since the protocol requires a daily Dry Fast of 12-18 hours at least and a 24 hours weekly Dry Fast – I don’t think I’ll be interested on doing a monthly 48 hours Dry Fast as right now.Today I had what they call: mucoid plaque releases. A black long release that is supposed to coming out from the wall of my intestine and colon apparently, but I believe is partially created by the Mud Pudding, with some residue of whatever I have in my gut right now – I do trust 100% the power of the Mud Pudding! It is a magical detoxifier!I’m not losing weight with the same speed as a Water Fast and this is normal I guess, but this protocol actually banned Water altogether! I’m not supposed to drink Water at all, and actually I definitely decreased the amount of water I take daily by 90% I think. I drink water just with my 2 Kidney Teas and to take a pill in the morning, that’s pretty much all – scaring I know!
The protocol is not hard to follow overall, you can drink a lot of grape juice and 2 teas per day, plus the “mud pudding” – as my man calls it – is really delicious and I don’t feel deprived as a normal Water Fast. On another note I really don’t want to know what’s the state of my Ketosis, with all this sugar that I’m taking every day; but the idea is to do a sort of intermitting fasting too – since the protocol requires a daily Dry Fast of 12-18 hours at least and a 24 hours weekly Dry Fast – I don’t think I’ll be interested on doing a monthly 48 hours Dry Fast as right now.Today I had what they call: mucoid plaque releases. A black long release that is supposed to coming out from the wall of my intestine and colon apparently, but I believe is partially created by the Mud Pudding, with some residue of whatever I have in my gut right now – I do trust 100% the power of the Mud Pudding! It is a magical detoxifier!I’m not losing weight with the same speed as a Water Fast and this is normal I guess, but this protocol actually banned Water altogether! I’m not supposed to drink Water at all, and actually I definitely decreased the amount of water I take daily by 90% I think. I drink water just with my 2 Kidney Teas and to take a pill in the morning, that’s pretty much all – scaring I know!