Today is my first day
of an anomalous fast that I decided to try: a bone
broth fast. I started to drink chicken
bone broth today, only that and some water – occasionally with lemon. I heard so many amazing things about the bone broth, how the collagen helps the
skin, what great pack of essential amino acids it has, great for joints, for
the health of skin, hair and nails and the list goes on and on. So I decided to
give it a try for at least 4 days, however just one day into it I'm not sure I want to keep on going for another 3 days. The reason why I don't feel
going forward with this fast is
mostly due to the large amount of sodium contained in the bone broth. I bought the broth in a local
restaurant nearby, I thought I would save
some money and it would be more natural
than the store-bought one. It is extremely
salty though, especially for me that
I'm not used to salt anymore with a Raw Vegan diet. I also don't feel
very comfortable going back on having animal products, even if it's just the broth of it. My main reason for choosing
to try this fast was also because I
was reading online and watching YouTube videos mentioning that it can be very beneficial
to fight the Candida Albicans, now
here I have my serious doubts that it can do anything to the Candida in just only 4 days but I guess doesn't hurt to
try after all. Today I'm working from home so I didn't mind having a warm broth as meals during the day but I might not
bring it with me tomorrow in the office, I will have a cup in the morning here
as "breakfast" and continue
my day drinking only water.
One thing that I'm already noticing is that I really look puffy now, most likely
due to the high amount of sodium in the broth. I hope drinking plenty of water will help me release a bit
of the puffiness in the next few hours. Doing a bone broth is definitely easier
than a regular Water Fast, I didn't
feel any hunger so far, I don't feel tired; apparently another good thing of a bone broth fast
is that there should not be any
muscle loss while fasting – because of the high protein content. It's been not
even 24 hours in this fast so I
really cannot say much, I guess in few days I should have a better picture, if
I will keep on doing it. I'm definitely
thinking on continuing with a Water Fast
once I enter in a good ketosis.
I was going through my old posts, while I was Water Fasting and I felt missing those feelings, I gained weight in the past
weeks, if I don't have a meal plan I usually tend to binge and some days I can't really discipline myself on portion control. Right now I feel almost
depressed, I looked at myself in the
mirror and I saw again that desperate
girl fighting for her weight loss in so many crazy ways, so tenaciously and always
with scarce results. Sometimes I think that this is just my life, dealing every
single day with what I can eat, what not and how to amend on my bad food
choices. Some days the only thing I
want is sweets, bananas and lots of nuts, peanuts, I want to stuff myself with
food full of fatty things, healthy yes but not conform to my diet life style. Some days I think I'm a
lost cause and I should just surrender
to my weaknesses.