I had my first Colonics
on Jan 6th, this year and another one 10 days after that. The experience overall was not bad, painless for sure and the feelings
after the procedure were normal, I
can't tell if I really felt cleaned inside or not; I guess I
just hope my colon thanked for that
As personal
experience I have to say that the second
Colonics made me a bit constipated
believe it or not; during the first one
I was at the end of my Water Fast –
so I didn't have much to release during
the procedure. One thing I learned though is the importance of taking daily probiotics.
When you do a colonic or even an enema, you remove a lot of bacteria good
and bad, so you need to replenish your gut with the good ones, so taking probiotics is essential in this case.
The procedure is very easy, I was lying on a bed and they
put inside me like a 2 way tube, one
for the water to go in and the other one the release it, with all the stuff
stuck in the colon. Some people actually see the worms coming out! You can see it because the tube is transparent so it's easy to monitor
what's going on with the irrigation of your gut and what's coming out.
Apparently the ideal is doing a series of Colonics one after the other one so you
can remove all built up from your colon and start from fresh with a clean environment. Unfortunately I had
to cancel last minute my third appointment – due to some work related issues –
but I still have another 2 sessions
from my groupon that I can use, and
I'm already thinking to make an appointment in the next few days if I find a
free spot that fits my schedule.
Overall I personally think that if you have constipation issues and digestive problems, doing 2/3 Colonics in a row
can definitely benefit your colon; keep in mind though that any type of procedure you do to your
body has always a risk factor, especially if you have
serious health issues; so always do
your homework, ask for a consultation with your GP is you're not sure.
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