Tuesday, 3 January 2017

A New Water Fast - Cleansing and Detoxing

I just want to start on saying: thank goodness the holidays are over! I gained enough pounds to feel like a balloon on my mid-section.
Today is my Day #3 in my newly started Water Fast, so far so good, this morning I registered high traces of ketosis with 80mg/dL. I'm planning to keep going for at least 7 days, hopefully a bit more than that. My weight this morning was 57.9Kg, which is way higher than a month ago when I was between 53 and 54Kg. I'm also trying to go to the gym as much as I can, and I believe that slowly is somehow working. This coming Friday I have my first Colonics, I'm actually excited on doing it, I think it will be very beneficial for my cleansing and detoxing process. During a Water Fast is essential doing a colon cleanse, either Colonics or enemas, especially important during fasting since the BMs are really not easy to have and it could be very painful if nothing is used to help the bowel movements. So keep in mind that if you're starting a Water Fast you need to buy few packages of enemas – or whatever product you prefer for this type of procedure.
So my Raw Whole Food Plant Based Diet is going well so far, I had some cooked food during these holidays, but always vegan, no animal products, just roasted nuts or seeds, a veggie burger, deep fried or roasted tofu and some steamed vegetables. But overall I eat all raw if I'm cooking at home, those episodes were mostly when I didn't have much choice while going out with friends.
I have to say that I ate a lot of bananas recently and for the amount of fruits or in general raw food I was having, my weight did not go crazy as it used to go, I believe is due to the raw food and my exercises that help me to keep my weight under control. After my Colonics, when I break my Water Fast I want to be more disciplined with my food intake. I'm planning to have a mono-fruit breakfast in the morning, like papaya, mango or watermelon, some fruits to snack during the day and for lunch a spinach salad with tons of fruits as I used to have, which I really love; only for the evening I will have a salad with some sort of fats. Fats are the culprit of my weight gain, I get addicted very easily so I promised myself not to buy anymore nuts, only seeds and avocados to provide the 10% of fats that I need, but I'll take it slowly after the end of this Water Fast.
This evening I have a ping pong game with my new boyfriend, not sure if I can say boyfriend yet since it's not even 2 months that we're dating, but for the matter of this post I'll use this label for him. I really hope I won't fall in food temptations, he loves food and he cannot really understand being on a water only diet and not even drinking anything but water! Being around friends eating is really hard while fasting; I would suggest avoiding those types of situations, at least until few days into a fast, like after 7/8 days. At that stage you can feel strong enough to avoid any food temptations.
I often think about food, I'm not into the full fast yet I guess, the idea of quitting and eating something comes often into my mind, but I'm trying to be strong, I know this is normal, we're humans and food is one of the pleasure of the life, well at least it is for me. I would also add that for me is an expression of family love, the way I was raised so it becomes very tough denying myself of this comfort. But I know I will be super happy in few days and even more after successfully completed this Water Fast.
Tomorrow I'll try to go to the gym for a noon class, 45 minutes of my favourite Body Attack class, it's tough usually when I'm eating, let's see tomorrow if I can complete the whole 45 minutes, I won't push myself too much if I feel weak during the class, I've been doing things very slowly in the past 2 days so I can't tell really if part of my energy will be back tomorrow since the Ketosis is high now.

This time around for my Fast I'm having hot water with some lemon juice, so far it's not destroying my lips, which I'm really happy for it. For my personal taste I guess – I have to say that nothing is better than real lemon squeezed into a hot cup of water, all those 100% organic pure lemon juices are a scam, stick on real fruits and you will never regret it!

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