Thursday, 16 May 2019

2019 Fast 5.0 - Dry Fast Day #4

83 hours into the Dry Fast - 70.45 Kg
Another day passed and I'm now into Day #4 of my Soft Dry Fast, still under 100 hours but my Ketones level was pretty good this morning showing a dark ketostix with 80mg/dL. Energy wise I'm still good and the thirst is bearable, my mouth feels nasty though and the lack of sleep is extremely annoying. I wish I had at least 5/6 days into the Fast to be sleepless. I'm losing weight pretty quickly, I was surprised this morning to see more than 1Kg of weight loss. I still didn't have the chance to do an enema, but just because I'm lazy, not that I wouldn't need one! I have lots of weight to lose and I still don't know how to keep on going with this fast, after I reach my breaking point and need to rehydrate. I was thinking on just sipping on water after 10 days or so and try to keep on going with the Dry Fast. I wish I knew I could do this Dry Fast as long as 10 days or 14 days, that would be great, I will certainly see some good results for my weight loss. Next week my parents are coming back and I hope I will not be tempted to eat or drink - as usually happens with them. I'm avoiding calling them so I don't get nervous or anxious and find mental escape with food. When I have things to do at work, my days go faster and I don't mind at all the Dry Fast, after all I'm too busy to think about it. My mental clarity is getting better, not fully there yet but I hope I can see more benefits in the next few days of the fast. This morning I felt my arms a bit weak, while I was brushing my hair, just few seconds though, plus I always feel a bit weaker in the mornings, my blood pressure is low, but during the day I feel much better and full of energy.

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