Friday, 27 May 2016

HCG Diet - Fasting Failures

I had two sorts of fasting days yesterday and the day before, they resulted to be a failure really. First day was ok, I saw the scale nicely going down, but the second one I had a weight gain of almost half Kg - I think due to the extremely low calories intake, ok maybe also for all the candies I had to help me with my cravings.
I have to admit, this round so far has been terrible. I cannot get into Ketosis, I cannot stop my cravings, my HCG dosage is off, my weight is not steadily decreasing, I don't feel the usual mood boost that HCG gives me. It's hard to stick on the diet when things are so messed up.

Today I tried to inject a bit less HCG, thinking it might work and save some doses; well it was a big mistake, I was starving this morning, at the begin I just felt miserable, hungry, depressed, then I realized it was for my lack of HCG. Seriously this Diet is impossible to follow without the HCG injections, I don't even know how I was doing it with Dr. Bernstein, sure the Ketosis might help - but that's another confirmation that I was definitely in starvation, my brain and hormones were all over the places, food was and still is my main thought through each of my days and this is one of the most drowning experience I could ever had in my entire life. Having an eating disorder is something I would never wish to anyone; it's a war against myself.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

HCG Diet- R2P2 VLCD#17 my reflections

Another post for my blog to track all the details of my long dieting journey, it seems endless sometimes. HCG so far helped me a lot, but I have to admit, this Round 2 is definitely not like my first one. I guess this is normal, focusing for too long on something has been always an issue for me, I just regret not having completed my diet with the first round, I was doing so well! My advice is that till you're running with a good pace, keep going because if you stop chances are you won't be back on the wagon with the same enthusiasm and commitment
My biggest problem while dieting, is not so much being hungry – definitely with HCG I'm very rarely hungry – but my constant attention on food in general, on what I'm going to eat, when I'm going to…how I will cook, if I need to stop by the grocery store to buy ingredients and so on. I think ONLY about food, all the times, and this is drowning me down so much that it's really hard being focused on Dr. Simeons protocol to the letter. Anything I eat adds up at the end of the day on the amount of calories consumed, and with HCG you have to stay on the 500 Calories plan, even a small increase will reflect on your scale the day after.
This Round#2 I didn't even see any good ketosis so far, I know this is not 100% reliable, since I drink a lot during the day anyway, but last time I had great traces through almost all round. Another thing I skipped on doing this time around is my Wednesday's Detox Bath, I guess being almost in summer doesn't help but, let's face it, it's just me being lazy, nothing temperature or weather related, and I didn't even drink a single Detox tea either!
This morning my scale registered a 0.4Kg increase unfortunately, I knew I will see a gain today, yesterday I was home all day and I had so many cravings that I compensated drinking tons of decaf coffee and almond milk, not to mention the large amount of Jell-O and Snack Packs! Junk food, I should say: shame on me.
I don't care what people say but seeing a weight gain on any amount while dieting, it is extremely frustrating, on this complicated diet is alarming to me, previous to this gain I had 4 days stall, not sure if it was for my TOM or simply for my lack of judgment concerning my food/drinks. 
I've moments in which I feel ok, motivated, strong and others where I feel weak, I don't trust myself and my long term commitments. I've still so much to lose and it seems so difficult even losing half pound.

In the office often people judge my diet, my weight, my approach to food. They don't understand how frustrating is being on diet, being overweight, being obsessed with food. I am alone in this battle; it's between me and my body, my brain, my cravings. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

My Weight and HCG Diet Journey's updates

I'm back to my blog to give some updates regarding my HCG experience and my weight in general.
After the end of my Round #1 for P2 I had no problems to complete my P3 phase and maintaining my weight within the 2 pounds range, actually most of the time my weight was under my LIW; so P4 started and I have to admit I didn't start any type of exercise, lazy me, but in my defense I can say that I was working 7 days a week on an average sleep of 4 hours – so really time for the gym was not fitting my schedule.
My P4 was not bad; I maintained my weight fairly easy, some days better than others and I had 2/3 fasting weekends to keep me in track in case my weight was rising up.
Then my Mexican vacation came, one week in an all-inclusive resort, a paradise with amazing food…and obviously I let myself enjoy all those cakes and chocolate delights. I ate like I didn't eat anything for the past 6 months! Breakfast, lunch and dinner always overeating, not to mention all the cookies and nuts ate here and there. Well I guess the Binge Eater that is in me came back in Mexico and I'm afraid to report that my weight of course went up quickly. Well thankfully it was only a week but I learnt a lesson: AVOID all-inclusive resorts; temptations are way too many to handle for me.
My weight went up from 57/58Kg that I was when I went to Cancun, up to 62/63Kg when I came back to Toronto – about 10 pounds I would say.
Although lots of people might think that 10lb is not a big deal, it's something like 10% of my weight so for me it's a huge deal, plus a week may be enough to gain 10lb but I would need at least a month worth of sacrifices to lose it!

Anyhow, I'm now back on HCG for my second round – today is my R2P2 – VLCD #10, so far I lost 2/3 Kg, not much. This round is different from the previous one, I'm not motivated in the same way, I have lots of cravings, I'm always thinking about food, I don't feel the same mood response I had with my first round, so definitely tougher than I expected. But I will keep going and I will till I reach my goal, I just wish I had a different feelings during this Round #2, since it might be longer than the previous one. Wish me luck!