Thursday, 31 August 2017

Electrolytes and Fasting - How much do we need?

Electrolytes are minerals in human body that have an electric charge. Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are all electrolytes.
Levels of electrolytes in the body can become too low or too high. That can happen when the amount of water in the body changes, causing dehydration or over hydration.
  • Potassium recommendation is around 4700 mg per day.
  • Magnesium intake for males should be between 330-350 mg per day, and females should intake about 255-265 mg per day.
  • Calcium is essential; the suggested intake is 800 mg per day for both males and females.
  • For both males and females it is recommended to keep Sodium intake below 2,000 mg.
Fortunately, strict water-fasting is associated with very few and rare complications and the fast is well tolerated in most cases, but I read somewhere that after 3+ weeks there have been reported cases of low electrolytes levels, but often can depends on the before-Fasting diet rather than the Fast itself. In this matter seems that Dry Fasting is actually safer than Water Fasting when comes on preserving healthy electrolytes levels. These are all my thoughts but be sure to do some researches if you suspect a imbalance on your electrolytes.

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