Monday, 28 August 2017

My daily struggles - #2

Something changed in my life in the previous weeks that affected the way I was feeling and also eating. I broke up with my boyfriend after almost 9 months dating, I had many episodes in the past when I wasn’t sure about our relationship (see this past post), but he was a great man and I thought, with the time, we could fall in love for each other. Oh well it didn’t happen, he gave up on us and – easily – said that there was no connection between us and no reason to keep on seeing each other. Although everything makes sense, it was no easy for me to accept the separation, without any tangible issue between us – we’ve been spending amazing time together – but I guess we were just good friends with no deep feelings.
I started to cry basically every day after we broke up and the food was my only consolation to this situation. I missed him and I still do. I felt sugar was hard to give up in those days, so I kept on eating so much junk food that my weight sky-rocket up to almost 70 Kg – not really sure the exact number since I’m always afraid to look at the scale when I see myself so fat, I'm like the Ostriches that bury their heads in the sand, I know.
It’s unfortunate how negative feelings can affect so much our perception of life, of health or caring about ourselves; but this is the reality for a lot of women, and I would like to think that I learnt something from this negative experience, but I’m sure I didn’t since I would do the same mistakes with the next guy, as I did in the past.
Today I find myself super overweight, as I never been before, single again in a city where it’s extremely tough meeting people, even tougher meeting a good guy. It sucks but I have to move on, I have to be stronger as much as I can and hope that this new fast is a way to heal from my heartbroken too and detoxify from all the lies I’ve been told in the past months.

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