Thursday, 16 February 2017

How to stay motivated during a Water Fast?

When approaching Water Fasting most of us struggle on being disciplined and continue the fast till the planned time or the hunger signal. The most difficult part of a fast is going through the first 2/3 days, till the body enters into Ketosis. Those days are the toughest one usually - since hunger, detoxing symptoms and headaches are a common thing. Desire of food and general unwell being can be hard on anyone. I myself experienced these difficulties too and gave up many times!
So how do we stay motivated and keep on going? Although I don't have a magic formula for that – since most of it can be self-motivation; I believe that knowing exactly that we just need to reach Day #4 and feel better, great - can be helpful in motivation. I suggest planning the first 3 days out of the house, busy with something; plan exactly what you are going to do in these days, set your mind to reach this goal no matter what. Once those days are gone you won't feel anymore hungry; temptations for food will always be there, we're humans at the end, but the chances to give up and indulge on eating will be definitely less.
How do I feel after 2nd/3rd day? I personally reach Ketosis around >48 hours into a fast, I can usually see some traces of Ketosis after this time, some people need more time, and apparently men take something like 72 hours to reach this stage. Once into Ketosis I feel always cold, energy is very good and the weight loss changes a bit, I can see reducing fat on my body. Maybe not in a single day but during extended fasts the excess fat tends to get down rather than muscles. I believe this is also another reason why I lose much more in the first days rather than when in Ketosis. Of course there is water retention, GI tract cleaning up but there's also muscle loss unfortunately. Muscles are heavier than fat and even a small muscle loss can show up on the scale more than losing unwanted fat. I would suggest being happy for the weight loss only once into Ketosis, that's the real deal!
Researches have shown that the Ketosis phase can also give a pseudo high sensation, and I believe it. Once few days into a Water Fast I usually feel way better with my mood and motivation. I suffer of anxiety and this is definitely improved after few days into a Water Fast. If you're struggling with anxiety and depression, definitely a prolonged Water Fast could give you some relief for that.
So don't give up in the first 2/3 days! I know it's hard like hell but the way you'll feel after will help you keep going with minimum effort. I personally don't have any problem between Day #4 and Day #21 really, but I noticed that if I set my mind with a Water Fast deadline, I cannot go longer than that. That's why I always suggest to Think BIG! Set for yourself an extended Water Fast, at the minimum 7 Days (if it's your first time), in this way there will be less chances for you to give up at Day #5 or #6 since you will be almost achieving your goal. May the force be with you!

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