(Thursday – Second Half)
7:00 AM – I broke my Dry Fast after 180hrs – 7.5 Days of no food and no water. I was undecided this morning on what to use to break my dry fast then I opted for the Bell Kidney Tea with the juice of one lemon. I sipped slowly, trying to keep the tea in my mouth as long as I could. Everything tasted normally, I thought I would feel this amazing new sensation drinking again, but no, as usual it didn’t happen, it was just a tea with lemon. After about one hour from my tea I felt a bit of stomach-ache, maybe the new liquid was getting busy my digestive system, but it lasted only 2 seconds really.
AM – I went to work with the usual energy; it’s a bit rainy today so I took the streetcar and walked a little bit to the
office. I don’t feel sleepy, although I didn’t sleep very well last night – let’s
see at the end of the day how I will feel. At the moment I’m sipping my favourite
water, but sometimes I forget to drink! I guess I was
getting used to not drink or eat. I neither feel hungry nor thirsty though, I
could go on for more days but
breaking a prolonged Dry Fast takes
a lot of time and effort, so I want
to switch to water. I might be drinking some hot water with lemon later on in the day, let’s how I will feel.
3:30 PM - I've been drinking water all day but I went to the washroom only 2 times, so it's pretty clear to me that I'm retaining lots of water. I was peeing more during my Dry Fast! This morning at around 11:00 AM or so I had a release, I guess it was from the Kidney Tea and the lemon juice; it was mostly water but some residual from my GI tract. As I noticed from my previous prolonged Dry Fast, the magic starts to happen after the fast is done. I just prepared a big jar of hot water and lemon, I'll be drinking this for now, since in my office is freezing today, I felt the desire to sip on something warm. For some reasons I don't feel the need to drink, I'm not thirsty but I forget to drink and I don't even want to.
Fasting Day #9 – Water Fast
Last night I woke up at 1:30 AM feeling pain in my tummy, I had to rush to the washroom with diarrhea, I'm not sure what was the cause since I wasn't drinking from 6:00 PM of the day before. Maybe my GI tract took some time to move stuff around. But I felt way better after. Yesterday I could not drink anything but water, otherwise I would have to visit the bathroom! Well I had only the Kidney Tea with lemon and some hot water with lemon juice. Today's much better, I can have both tea and lemon water without issues, but still I can feel that my digestive system is not back 100%. I really don't feel hungry and my mood is great today. This morning my Ketones were super high, as I rarely seen it. I gain a bit of water weight today, almost a pound! But I was expecting it, I'm curious to see when I'll start to lose again during this Water Fast. This morning I saw my belly shape improved a lot compared when I started, that was a nice start of the day. For me when I'm in Ketosis all fat goes down, as opposite of the MFS that did not shed any fat whatsoever, most likely only muscle mass.
Here's my today's Ketostix:
Fasting Day #12 – Water Fast
Even without eating anything whatsoever losing weight appears to be a big challenge for me, I’m sure my metabolism is completely messed up. Today is the second day still on 60.2Kg, but at least my Ketosis has been high so I’m just hoping that it is matter of water retention and my fat is burning anyway.
It’s been a couple of days where I’m enjoying the benefits of a prolonged fast, my mental clarity is absolutely astonishing, I’m surprised on how I feel every time I do a fast…I guess I forget from one to another one! My thoughts are thousands in my head and I’m thinking that this could be one of the reasons my sleep is so bad, my brain does not stop and that makes me wide awake every single night; I’m not tired though and I know that even 2/3 hours are now enough for me to rest, well at least this is how I feel. So far I have no hunger and even my cravings are totally gone, sometimes I think of making a nice Raw Vegan recipe but mostly for the joy of cooking rather than eating it; I thought on cooking something and bringing in the office for my coworkers, at least I gave in on my desires to experiment a new recipe. Not sure if I’ll do it though, not everyone like eating Raw/Paleo or with odd ingredients like Psyllium Husk or Bentonite Clay!
My tongue is still white-coated and I have often a bad taste and feeling in my mouth, even when I drink lemon water of my kidney tea, oh well there’s not much I can do with that. This morning, very early – around 4:00 AM - I decided to wake up and do an enema, I figured it would tires me up so I can take a nap after that. The more I fast the more water is required for my enemas, my GI tract is getting empty of course; today I added a few drops of Tea Tree oil in the enema bag; I figured since it is a great anti-fungus oil it might help with my Candida or any other fungus for that matter.
Tomorrow evening my man is coming back from
his vacation, but I think we’ll see each other the coming weekend, not many details yet but I hope he will be ok for me not eating anything; at this pace I will need another 10 days to reach my weight
goal, or close as I can to that. I’m thinking that my body is getting used to
the fasts and it’s learning on how to keep fat as much as it can! Damn it!
Fasting Day #13 – Water Fast
It’s amazing what a good night sleep can do! Today I registered a nice weight loss, I’m now 59.5Kg, which is like 700gr (1.5lb) less than yesterday; I also had a spontaneous BM this morning waking up, my belly was hurting a bit but I felt a bit better after.
My Ketosis is still in large traces, around 60mg/dL and my energy is over the roof; I don’t really feel I want to end this fast anytime soon, which is odd since usually I count the days till the end of my fasts; but I guess this happens when not eating for so many days, I would say more than ten.
I do feel that I want to eat healthy though, thinking of all the nice salads I can make, like the zucchini noodles one that I love so much, so from time to time I’m watching some videos on how to make a good dressing for the zoodles, but not obsessing for it really.
My man is coming back tonight from his vacation but I’m really motivated on not let me convince on breaking my fast till I reach my weight goal, at the end is matter of just few days. I still need to lose at least 10 pounds and going back on eating at this point will only make me gain back all I lost with so many sacrifices.
The Water Fast is going very well, I have a high mental clarity, very focused on what I do, very happy, I feel better with my body and I’m really feeling the benefits of the detoxing process. It’s been 13 days now with no food and it’s amazing how I am still releasing stuff from my GI tract; it’s a never ending cleaning process.
Last night I was able to sleep a bit more, not a full uninterrupted night sleep but I went to bed extremely early, like 6:00 PM and took naps through the whole night, in this way I was able to have the least amount of hours I needed to rest my body.
Fasting Day #14 – Water Fast
I hit another plateau today and I’m pretty sure it’s due to the fact that I didn’t have enough sleep last night. I came back home very late after my course, it lasted till 10:00 PM! WTH! After leaving the class, while I was walking home, I felt my body was completely shutting down, all my functions were slowing down and I was feeling dizzy and weak. Sleep is extremely important while fasting, I guess resting in general since I don’t have the same energy as when eating normally, and after all it’s been 14 days without any food.
This morning for the first time after these 14 days I feel sleepy and tired and I would love to take a two hours nap. I realized that when I’m fasting I cannot have a full night sleep, since I usually wake up in the middle of the night a couple of times, so the secret for me is to allow myself a bigger sleeping-time span so I can sleep and wake up multiple times and be able to reach at least 7 hours sleep in total. That’s why it’s so important going to bed as soon as I can because most likely I’ll be wide awake at some point in the middle of my night.
Yesterday I was thinking on when and how I will break my fast because it’s been already 14 days and the more I go forward with the Water Fast the more time I will need to re-feed. I’m thinking on breaking the fast next Monday but I’m not sure yet, it might depend on how my weight loss is going; with this pace I will need another month! Monday will be Day #19 if I decide to re-feed in that day, which is not bad, I would actually keep on going another couple of days at that point, like till Day #21 so I can have 3 weeks completed; but who knows I will decide then, in the meantime I will try not to fall asleep on my desk today!
Fasting Day #15 – Water Fast
So I’m on my Day #15 and everything is good, I had a better sleep last night and this morning I registered a weight loss of 500gr – I’m now 59Kg with moderate Ketosis at 70mg/dL.
I don’t feel hungry at all, sometimes I have cravings but very rarely and I noticed the more I go forward with my Fast the less cravings for junk food I have, as opposite I’m dreaming about big salads and zucchini noodles with pesto sauce! Yesterday with my man we were planning on going to a Raw Vegan restaurant once done with my Fast and I cannot wait for it.
I didn’t do an enema since few days now and I was wondering if I should do it one today after work; I don’t feel the need to do it really but sometimes I feel I still have something in my GI tract that it needs to be released, most probably I’ll try tonight and see how it goes. All those videos and blogs about fasting emphasise the importance of daily enemas, but I really don’t feel I need it every day; I tend to listen to my body, which works better for me.
I’m drinking lemon water for most of the day and trying to stop around 5:00 PM when I leave my office, mostly because I don’t want to wake up at night every 30 minutes to go to the washroom, those nightly bathroom breaks are so annoying; even though I stop at 5:00 PM to drink I still wake up at least 2/3 times!
My tongue is still white-coated but I noticed that my breath is somehow improved, maybe for the lemon water – not sure really. I’m wondering if it will ever go back to pink as everyone fasting says, I don’t buy this theory though, I think as long as I fast, my tongue will be white.
Fasting Day #16 – Water Fast
My weight seems not moving much so far, I’m still same as yesterday at 59Kg and just traces of Ketosis this morning at 30mg/dL; I’m wondering if it’s because my body is getting used to fasting or something else. It can be really frustrating not seeing any change when not eating anything. Apart from that I’m feeling fine, energy level is good and mood is positive.
Yesterday I did an enema, after few days that I wasn’t doing it; there was not much to release though and basically I used the whole enema bag full of water, which I am sure was not even enough. I believe it’s because my colon and GI tract are empty so it can contain more water; it takes really a lot to fill in all that water! I don’t think I’m going to do any more enemas till the end of this fast.
To reach my weight goal I would need another full week based on how my weight loss is going so far, but I cannot continue for so long; I miss a bit the social life with my man and it’s really annoying not eating, not cooking, after all I love food. I hope I can be to a decent weight level and from there trying to do IF and lose some of the extra pounds left, or maybe adding a couple of fasting days during the weekends or so.
This thing I’ve said it in other posts but I want to repeat it. Most of the times I heard people telling that weight is not important, that people don’t notice this thing and that I would be treated or considered same way with less or more pounds on me. Well in my case is a bag of BS! Every single time I lose weight and I’m almost to my weight goal people from everywhere start to pay attention to me way more, treat me differently, being nicer. I’m not saying that it’s right by all means but that’s the truth. I wish I could be 300lb and being considered in the same way as I’m right now, but I’m pretty sure it would never happen. We live in a superficial society and appearance matter either we like it or not. It sucks I know…
Fasting Day #19 – Water Fast
I’m on my 19th day of this combined Dry/Water Fast, the second longest fast I’ve ever done. I’m physically good but my weekend was extremely tiring, I spent both days outside doing my motorcycle course and it was very tough on my body, I should’ve planned smarter this course, since it required lots of strengths and concentration, plus using muscles that I don’t always use, so now I’m a bit sore; also my bike fell twice while I was parking it so I have bruises here and there. I’m glad today I’m in the office so I can sit all day!
This morning when I was walking to work I felt very weak, not dizzy but generally not well, I can’t say that my legs were weak or any specific muscle, just general weakness that made me think it’s time for me to end this fast. To be really honest I don’t want to end the fast, breaking it is not fun and takes time and effort, I always feel weak after eating and to get my GI tract back to normal requires lots of time with uncomfortable digestion episodes in the middle. Oh well, I will have to do it at some point anyway.
Yesterday I had a big jar of the Bell Kidney Tea with some lemon and after that I had a spontaneous BM, which I was glad of – it saved me the hassle of doing an enema, which I didn’t plan of doing it but it was always in the back of my mind.
My ketosis has been great in these days, yesterday I had large traces of ketones at 160mg/dL, I’m sure it was due to the fact that I had basically only 1L of water for the whole day including 2 cups of kidney tea, when I don’t drink much lemon juice seems I burn more fat, which is good, I can see it on my body that my fat is shedding down, and I’m very glad of that. Today I registered another weight loss so I’m now 57.8Kg and my ketones were in 80mg/dL which is still a purple Ketostix so that means I’m still burning at high pace. Losing weight seems being a challenge with this fast, but I’m trying to be strong and keep on going following my goals, eventually I will get there.
To break my fast I’m thinking to start drinking the Bone Broth that I have here in the office, not yet though, I’ll wait till lunch time or so and get a big jar so I can fill it up with half broth and some water; when cold the Bone Broth is really thick jelly, it needs to be warm to be more liquid, plus I don’t mind adding water, it doesn’t actually change much the taste of the broth and I have the chance to go easy with the drink while breaking my fast. Let’s see how it goes today!
Fasting Day #13 – Water Fast
It’s amazing what a good night sleep can do! Today I registered a nice weight loss, I’m now 59.5Kg, which is like 700gr (1.5lb) less than yesterday; I also had a spontaneous BM this morning waking up, my belly was hurting a bit but I felt a bit better after.
My Ketosis is still in large traces, around 60mg/dL and my energy is over the roof; I don’t really feel I want to end this fast anytime soon, which is odd since usually I count the days till the end of my fasts; but I guess this happens when not eating for so many days, I would say more than ten.
I do feel that I want to eat healthy though, thinking of all the nice salads I can make, like the zucchini noodles one that I love so much, so from time to time I’m watching some videos on how to make a good dressing for the zoodles, but not obsessing for it really.
My man is coming back tonight from his vacation but I’m really motivated on not let me convince on breaking my fast till I reach my weight goal, at the end is matter of just few days. I still need to lose at least 10 pounds and going back on eating at this point will only make me gain back all I lost with so many sacrifices.
The Water Fast is going very well, I have a high mental clarity, very focused on what I do, very happy, I feel better with my body and I’m really feeling the benefits of the detoxing process. It’s been 13 days now with no food and it’s amazing how I am still releasing stuff from my GI tract; it’s a never ending cleaning process.
Last night I was able to sleep a bit more, not a full uninterrupted night sleep but I went to bed extremely early, like 6:00 PM and took naps through the whole night, in this way I was able to have the least amount of hours I needed to rest my body.
Fasting Day #14 – Water Fast
I hit another plateau today and I’m pretty sure it’s due to the fact that I didn’t have enough sleep last night. I came back home very late after my course, it lasted till 10:00 PM! WTH! After leaving the class, while I was walking home, I felt my body was completely shutting down, all my functions were slowing down and I was feeling dizzy and weak. Sleep is extremely important while fasting, I guess resting in general since I don’t have the same energy as when eating normally, and after all it’s been 14 days without any food.
This morning for the first time after these 14 days I feel sleepy and tired and I would love to take a two hours nap. I realized that when I’m fasting I cannot have a full night sleep, since I usually wake up in the middle of the night a couple of times, so the secret for me is to allow myself a bigger sleeping-time span so I can sleep and wake up multiple times and be able to reach at least 7 hours sleep in total. That’s why it’s so important going to bed as soon as I can because most likely I’ll be wide awake at some point in the middle of my night.
Yesterday I was thinking on when and how I will break my fast because it’s been already 14 days and the more I go forward with the Water Fast the more time I will need to re-feed. I’m thinking on breaking the fast next Monday but I’m not sure yet, it might depend on how my weight loss is going; with this pace I will need another month! Monday will be Day #19 if I decide to re-feed in that day, which is not bad, I would actually keep on going another couple of days at that point, like till Day #21 so I can have 3 weeks completed; but who knows I will decide then, in the meantime I will try not to fall asleep on my desk today!
Fasting Day #15 – Water Fast
So I’m on my Day #15 and everything is good, I had a better sleep last night and this morning I registered a weight loss of 500gr – I’m now 59Kg with moderate Ketosis at 70mg/dL.
I don’t feel hungry at all, sometimes I have cravings but very rarely and I noticed the more I go forward with my Fast the less cravings for junk food I have, as opposite I’m dreaming about big salads and zucchini noodles with pesto sauce! Yesterday with my man we were planning on going to a Raw Vegan restaurant once done with my Fast and I cannot wait for it.
I didn’t do an enema since few days now and I was wondering if I should do it one today after work; I don’t feel the need to do it really but sometimes I feel I still have something in my GI tract that it needs to be released, most probably I’ll try tonight and see how it goes. All those videos and blogs about fasting emphasise the importance of daily enemas, but I really don’t feel I need it every day; I tend to listen to my body, which works better for me.
I’m drinking lemon water for most of the day and trying to stop around 5:00 PM when I leave my office, mostly because I don’t want to wake up at night every 30 minutes to go to the washroom, those nightly bathroom breaks are so annoying; even though I stop at 5:00 PM to drink I still wake up at least 2/3 times!
My tongue is still white-coated but I noticed that my breath is somehow improved, maybe for the lemon water – not sure really. I’m wondering if it will ever go back to pink as everyone fasting says, I don’t buy this theory though, I think as long as I fast, my tongue will be white.
Fasting Day #16 – Water Fast
My weight seems not moving much so far, I’m still same as yesterday at 59Kg and just traces of Ketosis this morning at 30mg/dL; I’m wondering if it’s because my body is getting used to fasting or something else. It can be really frustrating not seeing any change when not eating anything. Apart from that I’m feeling fine, energy level is good and mood is positive.
Yesterday I did an enema, after few days that I wasn’t doing it; there was not much to release though and basically I used the whole enema bag full of water, which I am sure was not even enough. I believe it’s because my colon and GI tract are empty so it can contain more water; it takes really a lot to fill in all that water! I don’t think I’m going to do any more enemas till the end of this fast.
To reach my weight goal I would need another full week based on how my weight loss is going so far, but I cannot continue for so long; I miss a bit the social life with my man and it’s really annoying not eating, not cooking, after all I love food. I hope I can be to a decent weight level and from there trying to do IF and lose some of the extra pounds left, or maybe adding a couple of fasting days during the weekends or so.
This thing I’ve said it in other posts but I want to repeat it. Most of the times I heard people telling that weight is not important, that people don’t notice this thing and that I would be treated or considered same way with less or more pounds on me. Well in my case is a bag of BS! Every single time I lose weight and I’m almost to my weight goal people from everywhere start to pay attention to me way more, treat me differently, being nicer. I’m not saying that it’s right by all means but that’s the truth. I wish I could be 300lb and being considered in the same way as I’m right now, but I’m pretty sure it would never happen. We live in a superficial society and appearance matter either we like it or not. It sucks I know…
Fasting Day #19 – Water Fast
I’m on my 19th day of this combined Dry/Water Fast, the second longest fast I’ve ever done. I’m physically good but my weekend was extremely tiring, I spent both days outside doing my motorcycle course and it was very tough on my body, I should’ve planned smarter this course, since it required lots of strengths and concentration, plus using muscles that I don’t always use, so now I’m a bit sore; also my bike fell twice while I was parking it so I have bruises here and there. I’m glad today I’m in the office so I can sit all day!
This morning when I was walking to work I felt very weak, not dizzy but generally not well, I can’t say that my legs were weak or any specific muscle, just general weakness that made me think it’s time for me to end this fast. To be really honest I don’t want to end the fast, breaking it is not fun and takes time and effort, I always feel weak after eating and to get my GI tract back to normal requires lots of time with uncomfortable digestion episodes in the middle. Oh well, I will have to do it at some point anyway.
Yesterday I had a big jar of the Bell Kidney Tea with some lemon and after that I had a spontaneous BM, which I was glad of – it saved me the hassle of doing an enema, which I didn’t plan of doing it but it was always in the back of my mind.
My ketosis has been great in these days, yesterday I had large traces of ketones at 160mg/dL, I’m sure it was due to the fact that I had basically only 1L of water for the whole day including 2 cups of kidney tea, when I don’t drink much lemon juice seems I burn more fat, which is good, I can see it on my body that my fat is shedding down, and I’m very glad of that. Today I registered another weight loss so I’m now 57.8Kg and my ketones were in 80mg/dL which is still a purple Ketostix so that means I’m still burning at high pace. Losing weight seems being a challenge with this fast, but I’m trying to be strong and keep on going following my goals, eventually I will get there.
To break my fast I’m thinking to start drinking the Bone Broth that I have here in the office, not yet though, I’ll wait till lunch time or so and get a big jar so I can fill it up with half broth and some water; when cold the Bone Broth is really thick jelly, it needs to be warm to be more liquid, plus I don’t mind adding water, it doesn’t actually change much the taste of the broth and I have the chance to go easy with the drink while breaking my fast. Let’s see how it goes today!
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