Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Looking for a change

Today it was my last day on the Dr. Bernstein program…well at least for now.
Let's face it, this Diet is very expensive (I've already spent more than $2500) and keeping on going on and off is not helping me to stay thin. So I decided to take a different path: yesterday at Shopper Drug Mart I bought 20 syringes and B6 and B12 vitamins in liquid form.
I always read on the Internet of people doing their own injections and always thought: this is crazy! I can't possibly do that!
But after so many months on Bernstein Diet and getting 3 times a week injections, I feel I can do it and it's actually not a big deal, at all.
I checked on Internet, You Tube, wherever I could find any information on how to do injections or what type of Vitamin B6/B12 should I buy - that was the easy part. I went to Shopper's and just asked for B6 and B12!

The B6 is quite pricey compared the B12; I got the B6 for $51 and the B12 for $8, so big difference - but still way cheaper than Dr. Bernstein. Based on my estimation with a budget of $100 or so I'm good for 3 months. With Bernstein Diet Program I would have to pay $1800 for that length of time!

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