I'm almost at the end of my unofficial Maintenance Program, yesterday I had my single weekly
injection and today my weight was somehow less than what I was expecting, could
this be connected with my injection?
I was happy for my weigh-in anyway.
I'm not really following the Maintenance Program to be honest; I'm still more towards the strict Diet with an open mind on
my vegetable intake. Saying unlimited
vegetable does not seem realistic for
me, I don't think eating 5 avocados a day or 2 Kg of zucchini will help maintaining
my weight, quite the opposite. Everything should be in moderation and I think
they should have a limit for the vegetable even during the Maintenance Program,
maybe increasing it with the weeks but not let people go nuts eating Dill
Pickled or cucumbers all day, and trust me when you've been on a Diet for so
long you want to eat whatever it's allowed to.
Yesterday I had a couple of concerns to tell to the nurse,
since I went down with my Potassium
I'm experiencing dizziness and I had
light headache for the whole
weekend. Asking the Dr. Bernstein doctor
is pretty much useless; he comes back to me always with the same answer/question:
why don't you ask your family doctor of
why you have this dizziness, headache, weakness feeling... Why are you here
exactly? And why am I even talking to you? Those would be my questions to him.
I went downstairs in the PATH today to look for some herbal
teas and I finally found a whole package of my Celestial Black Cherry Berry Herbal
Tea, I use to find it only in a multi-flavours package, now I've the whole
deal, I also purchased a full package of blueberry herbal tea from the same
brand. I'm getting addicted to these herbal
teas and they are delicious, I don't really need anything else to drink in
the morning, well actually through all day, they help me a lot with my desire
of eating a snack or something.
I decided to go for brunch
this coming Saturday as well, I am
actually thinking to go for brunch every Saturday from now on, if I don't see
sensible weight gain during the week, I'd like to be always in the 53-something
Kg for my weight and keep it to this level for the whole Maintenance Program and obviously even after. This is the weight
where I feel more comfortable with. I thought if I can manage to have this
weight for the whole week I can reward myself with an unhealthy brunch with French toast, Pancakes and sunnysideup eggs with a cup of coffee!